Recent Fox Attacks in Maine May Be Due to New Rabies Strain
dog allergies :: Article Creator She Found Her Dream Dog At A Shelter, But Her Neighbor In Her Building Is Upset She Wants A Dog Because He's Allergic When I was a kid, I couldn't wait until I got older and could rescue my very own dog to spend my days with. It's something a lot of people look forward to, becoming the owner of your own space and your own pet. One woman recently moved to New York and was thrilled to get an apartment and a dog. Now, she's dealing with an angry neighbor who says her dog will give him allergies, even if they don't live on the same floor. She's 23 and moved to New York after getting hired at the company she recently interned for. She'll be moving into a triplex building with other people working the same job. "I will have my own personal bedroom on the second floor with a bathroom that I share with only one other person," she explained. "Our kitchen is separate from the...