
Showing posts from April, 2024

Get Low Cost Pet Vaccinations this Weekend in Shreveport

vet hospital :: Article Creator Video: Army Vet Falls Nearly 100 Feet In Major Accident A U.S. Army veteran was recently injured in a significant paramotor accident. Footage recorded from the incident shows the veteran falling almost 100 feet to the ground. When it comes to extreme sports, things can sometimes go wrong for even the most experienced. Anthony Vella, a paramotoring enthusiast, discovered this when a simple overlooked tension knot caused a disastrous accident mid-air, causing him to plunge nearly 100 feet to the ground and resulting in devastating injuries. Vella shared a video of the accident on his YouTube channel. The video shows Vella in a hospital bed. The veteran can be seen wearing a neck brace and using supplemental oxygen.  Despite his obvious injuries, Vella explained that the accident was not the fault of the BDG Luna 3 paramotor he was testing at the time of the accident. He emphasized that those who share his enthus

I Hate Dogs and I Am Not a Horrible Human Being

frontline for dogs :: Article Creator The 6 Best Flea Treatments For Dogs In 2024 When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more The best flea treatments for dogs prevent and kill pesky parasites safely and effectively. Many dog flea medicines also treat ticks and lice and prevent heartworm infections. These medications come in the form of topicals, chewable tablets, shampoos, and collars.  To choose the top flea and tick medicines, we asked veterinarians how to prevent and eliminate fleas and ticks in puppies and adult dogs. We also researched products using the Companion Animal Parasite Council's quick product reference guide. Our top pick is Advantage Multi, a prescription medicine that prevents and controls fleas and protects against heartworms. To treat both fleas and ticks, we recommend Frontline Plus for dogs, an over-the-counter (OTC) topical medicine. It's important to ask your

Fundraiser Started For Duluth Area Dog Critically Injured From Porcupine Encounter

animal rescue families :: Article Creator EKY Animal Shelter Calling On Community To Stop Overcrowding PERRY COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) - The Kentucky River Regional Animal Shelter in Perry County has dealt with overcrowding for a long time. However, Shelter President Tony Vaughn said it got so bad recently they had to stop taking in animals. He added the thought of euthanasia is not fair to the shelter pets. "You look in their eyes and you think about putting them down," Vaughn said. "I just don't know if I can do that." The shelter is currently home to more than 250 dogs. He said it is a problem that spiked following a local hoarding case WYMT shared earlier this year, and now, Vaughn said they are calling on the community to help. "They deserve better than this. These living conditions they're not ideal, but they're alive right now," he said. "Help us keep them that way. Get them out. Get them into

Strays welcome - Ways you can reach out to help lonely and neglected animals

puppy pen :: Article Creator Wild True Story Of 171 Cats And Dogs Airlifted From Warzone LONDON—When the Afghan capital fell in August 2021, former British Royal Marine Pen Farthing raised a million pounds of private funds within days to evacuate 171 cats and dogs and his Afghan staff from the Kabul shelter he ran. Paul 'Pen' Farthing set up the Nowzad charity in Kabul 18 years ago to care for strays, military dogs and the animal victims of war. Over the years, he rescued thousands of cats and dogs and reunited them with soldiers they'd formed bonds with during their deployment in Afghanistan. As the situation in Kabul descended into a horror show after U.S. And NATO forces abandoned the country and the Taliban seized control, there were traumatic scenes of people stampeding the airport, some even clung onto moving planes and fell to their deaths in their desperation to leave the country. Farthing's animal-rescue efforts amid the

We Suddenly Lost Our Dog To Hemangiosarcoma

pocket pitbull :: Article Creator I Am A Vet Tech And Feel Sick Looking At A Pricey Dog Breed – There Is A Special Place In Hell For Its Creators A VETERINARY technician has slammed people who breed a small dog with a muscular physique and short lifespan. They raged that "there's a special place in hell" for anyone exchanging money for the controversial canine. 2 A vet tech took to Reddit to vent about the 'worst' dog breed (stock image)Credit: Shutterstock Vet techs can earn up to $43,740 a year by helping injured and ill animals, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most roles require an associate degree, the ability to treat animals with "kindness," and a sensitivity toward owners of sick pets. A certified vet technician took to Reddit's Vet Tech forum to share their opinion on an increasingly popular dog breed. Posting under the handle u/Myfeesh, they described it as arguably th

I Hate Dogs and I Am Not a Horrible Human Being

list of viral diseases in animals :: Article Creator How Bird Flu Virus Fragments Get Into Milk Sold In Stores, And What The Spread Of H5N1 In Cows Means For The Dairy Industry And Milk Drinkers The discovery of fragments of avian flu virus in milk sold in U.S. Stores, including in about 20% of samples in initial testing across the country, suggests that the H5N1 virus may be more widespread in dairy cattle than previously realized. The Food and Drug Administration, which announced the early results from its nationally representative sampling on April 25, 2024, was quick to stress that it believes the commercial milk supply is safe. The FDA said initial tests did not detect any live, infectious virus. However, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus can make cows sick, and the flu virus's presence in herds in several states and new federal restrictions on the movement of dairy cows between states are putting economic pressure on farmers. Fiv