Running A Fever While Pregnant: What It Could Mean - BabyGaga
Pregnancy is a difficult phase, and it is natural not to feel well all the time. During pregnancy, the immune system becomes very weak, making you more susceptible to fever and other conditions. Having an illness during pregnancy can be a thing of concern - you might be worried about how it affects your baby. Adding to the uneasiness, you are already feeling during pregnancy; the temperature rise can surely be a thing of concern for your baby. However, having a fever or experiencing chills is utterly unrelated to your pregnancy most of the time. Instead of panicking, call your doctor and ask him for the medicine you should take for dealing with fever and then try to figure out what caused it and how it would affect your baby ? In this article, we have attempted to provide you with all information about fever in pregnancy and its consequences. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. advertising Symptoms of fever via: us...