If you want a long life, include red chili in the diet, learn the benefits of amazing - Pledge Times

There is good news for foodie enthusiasts. A recent study by the US-based Cleveland Clinic found cayenne pepper to be effective in promoting longevity. Its regular intake has been found to be very effective in reducing the risk of death from heart disease and cancer.

In this research led by Dr. Bo Xu, researchers analyzed four studies on more than 5.7 million adults in the United States, Italy, China and Iran, which were intended to assess the effect of red pepper on human health. They found that the risk of untimely death from heart diseases decreases by 26 per cent among those who consume red chilli regularly.

At the same time, talking about cancer, the chances of chilli lovers becoming victims of this deadly disease is 23% less. According to Xu, the compound called ‘capsaicin’ present in red chili promotes the secretion of hormones effective in reducing blood pressure.

It also prevents free radicals from damaging healthy cells, which can cause tumors to flourish. However, Xu also warned that people suffering from stomach diseases including ulcers should avoid excessive consumption of red chillies.

Patients eating blood thinning medicines and pregnant and lactating women should also avoid red pepper. The study will be offered at the proposed American Heart Association annual science session at the end of the month.

There are more advantages …
Researchers at New Jersey Medical School termed capsaicin as effective in relieving complaints of pain, swelling and irritation in bones, muscles and joints.
2. In a 2014 study at Purdue University, red chili was not only effective in reducing fastfood and sweet water, but also in increasing the rate of calorie consumption.
3.Capsin was found to be effective in preventing the formation of amyloid-beta clots in the brain in Chinese research published in the National Journal, these clots are responsible for the decline in memory-reasoning power.

Analyzed four international research on more than 5.70 lakh people
– The risk of premature death from heart diseases decreases by 26%
– There is a 23% reduction in the risk of becoming a victim of cancer by regular intake.

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