Endangered Species Day: You can help these Vermont animals - Burlington Free Press

This man is a bat's best friend

In a bid to save endangered small brown bats, one man has built a second bat house - this one in Colchester.


Vermont is home to several species of endangered animals that may be especially at risk of habitat destruction during warmer months when residents are out and about traversing the state's wilderness. 

"The term endangered generally refers to species whose continued existence as a viable component of the state's wild fauna or flora is in jeopardy," Vermont Fish and Wildlife says on its website.

While fishing and hiking can be rewarding activities, nature-goers are advised to be respectful to their surroundings, disrupting them as little as possible.

In recognition of National Endangered Species Day, May 20, Here are some ways in which Vermonters can help support the habitats of some of the state's most endangered animals. 

A full list of endangered and threatened animals and plants of Vermont can be found online at vtfishandwildlife.com.

Lake sturgeon

The Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife developed a state recovery plan for the Lake Champlain lake sturgeon in 2016 when increasing numbers of the fish were caught by anglers fishing in tributaries to Lake Champlain.

Recovery would involve creating safer up and downstream passageways for these migrating fish around Vermont dams and electronically tagging them to monitor habitats and spawning grounds.

On an residential level, fishers who catch lake sturgeon, or any endangered or threatened species in Vermont can be fined up to $42,500 per violation, according to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources.

Spotted turtle

In 2019, the spotted turtle got its own recovery plan as well.

The turtles' population declined mainly because of wetland habitat loss and fragmentation, roadkill, and nest depredation by over-abundant generalist predators such as skunks and raccoons, according to Vermont Fish and Wildlife.

"Because of their sensitivity to habitat fragmentation and given that Vermont's wetlands have already faced extensive losses, it is unlikely that Spotted Turtles can be reestablished to their historic distribution throughout the state," the recovery plan says. 

Instead, recovery is focused on preserving existing populations and surrounding habitats.

Locations of many endangered species, including spotted turtles are confidential to prevent people trading them as pets or interfering with their fragile ecosystems, so residents are encouraged to report sightings to Vermont Fish and Wildlife, so statewide protection can be enforced. 

To preserve wetlands, residents can make efforts to clear away trash and any toxic substance that can interfere with the wildlife.

Turtles on Vermont roads: When to lend a hand — and when to keep your distance

Northern long-eared bat

Vermont is home to nine bat species, five of which are either threatened or endangered, according to Vermont Fish and Wildlife.

Many of these bats, the Northern Long-eared bat included, are threatened by white-nose syndrome, a disease associated with a fungus that invades the skin and damages the tissue in hibernating bats.

Long-eared bats roost in trees greater than 4 inches in diameter and 10 feet tall that have cavities, cracks, crevices, or exfoliating bark, according to Vermont Fish and Wildlife, but residents can build backyard bat houses on their properties to serve as a summer roost site where female bats can raise their young. 

According to Fish and Wildlife, the best sources for pre-built bat houses are Bat Conservation International and Bat Conservation and Management.

Additionally, activities associated with the clearing or cutting of standing trees are subject to environmental review, Vermont Fish and Wildlife says in its guidance for protecting these bats and their habitats. 

Common nighthawk

This brown speckled bird is quickly becoming much less common than its name suggests.

The bird's habitat may be endangered by changes in land use and overuse of pesticides, according to the National Audubon Society.

"In some areas, nighthawks nesting on gravel roofs have been targeted by increasing urban populations of crows, which eat the eggs," the Audubon's website says.

Vermonters can help by monitoring domestic animals such as cats or hunting dogs whenever they are outdoors, as increased predation may be a key contributor to the bird's decline. 

More information about Vermont birds can be found online at vt.audubon.org.

Rusty-patched bumble bee

The rusty-patched bumble bee is one of four threatened bumblebee species in the state, three of which are endangered. 

It takes more than honeybees: Native bumblebees disappearing in Vermont

Parasites, diseases, pesticides and large-scale agriculture are the main culprits diminishing bee habitats. Certain pesticides, whether lethal or not, can affect the bee's ability to forage and reproduce. 

What that means for your health: Vermont amending pesticide rules for 1st time in 31 years

"The great thing is we all can help, and that's by planting flowers and building more habitat for pollinators," Vermont apiary inspector Brooke Decker said.

The rusty-patched bumblebee in particular will gravitate toward sunflowers, goldenrods and honeysuckles, according to the Vermont Center for Ecostudies.

Residents looking to help both endangered plant life along with animals can do so by planting native species, which have a symbiotic relationship with local bees. 

Summer Sorg is a reporter for the Burlington Free Press. Contact her at ssorg@freepressmedia.com.


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