Two of the puppies seized at Belfast Port have died

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32 Hound Dog Breeds With Incredible Instincts

According to Elvis, hound dogs cry all the time. He's not… totally wrong. A lot of hound dog breeds, like Basset Hounds, were bred to announce themselves and communicate with their fellow hunters. The result is vocal dogs who can regularly be heard howling (or baying, as it's often called). Many hound dog breeds are still used in hunting today, though some, like Dachshunds, have been bred to be more content as show dogs or doting family pets. If you're considering a hound dog breed, get ready for some stubborn, albeit highly playful behavior.

What to Consider When Choosing a Hound Dog Breed

Almost every single hound dog breed on this list is a handful and not recommended for first-time dog owners. Due to their intense prey drives and hunting instincts, hound dog breeds require firm, consistent training to ensure good behavior down the line. Some aren't fond of strangers (they have more important things to focus on, like the smell of a deer), while others can't wait to meet new people (they hunt in groups and generally believe the more, the merrier). It's always wise to research breeds before embarking on a journey with them—especially if their idea of a fun trip is nose to the ground until they've chased a raccoon up a tree.

If you're dead set on a hound dog breed, take notes from certified professional dog trainers on how to teach commands early. Nicole Ellis, a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and Pet Lifestyle Expert with Rover, a site that connects pet parents with pet sitters and dog walkers, says her number one rule is rewarding the behavior you want your dog to continue. With hounds and their keen senses, high-value training treats will become invaluable during training sessions.

What Is a Hound Dog Breed, Exactly?

At their cores, the American Kennel Club says hounds are hunting dogs. Though they vary in shape, size and skill, hunting is the one thing all hound dog breeds can agree on. Some are scent hounds, which means they track prey with their keen sense of smell. Scent hounds like Beagles usually work in groups and alert each other when they're hot on the trail. Sighthounds, on the other hand, are quieter hound dog breeds who use keen eyesight to spot prey and then bolt after it. They're fast as lighting and usually work solo.

25 Hunting Dog Breeds That Make the Bravest Companions

1. Afghan Hound


  • Height: 25-27 inches

  • Weight: 50-60 pounds

  • Personality: Independent, proud

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 12-18 years

  • Though they look like snooty show dogs today, Afghan Hounds were once avid hunters whose long coats protected them from harsh weather in their native land (an area that now includes Afghanistan, India and Pakistan). They are sighthounds who tend to be a bit independent and aloof, though incredibly loyal to their families.

    2. American English Coonhound

    Heather Barrett/Getty Images

  • Height: 23-26 inches

  • Weight: 45-65 pounds

  • Personality: Mellow, stubborn

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 11-12 years

  • If you're not planning on hunting raccoons or foxes with your American English Coonhound, you better give them a healthy outlet for their high prey drive. These scenthounds love the thrill of the chase and playtime, especially when it involves other dogs.

    3. American Foxhound


  • Height: 21-25 inches

  • Weight: 60-70 pounds

  • Temperament: Sweet, athletic

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 11-13 years

  • Taller than their hound dog breed cousins the English Foxhounds, American Foxhounds are just as vocal and energetic. Once they hit on a scent, it's pretty difficult to convince them to stop or change direction, so early training is essential. Due to their sweet disposition, American Foxhounds make great family dogs.

    4. Azawakh


  • Height: 23-29 inches

  • Weight: 33-55 pounds

  • Personality: Loyal, reserved

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

  • Look at this stunner of an African dog breed! Azawakhs are ancient sighthounds who love a good sprint. Though incredibly smart, they do have independent streaks and need early, firm training. After that, they're loyal companions who will stick by your side.

    5. Basenji


  • Height: 16-17 inches

  • Weight: 22-24 pounds

  • Personality: Independent, smart

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 13-14 years

  • Like Azawakhs, Basenjis are hound dod breeds that are native to Africa. And get this—they rarely bark! They're sort of a triple threat: excellent eyesight, impeccable sense of smell and lighting speed. Basenjis are known for their cat-like behavior and expressive faces, so get ready to cuddle if you go the Basenji route.

    6. Basset Hound


  • Height: 13-15 inches

  • Weight: 40-65 pounds

  • Personality: Mellow, charismatic

  • Activity Level: Low

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 12-13 years

  • This is a French dog breed with short legs that keep them close to the ground for tracking purposes. As far as hound dog breeds go, Basset Hounds are some of the most recognizable and dedicated. They've got loud barks and mellow personalities (aka, they won't necessarily show you how much they love you all the time, but their loyalty is unwavering).

    7. Beagle


  • Height: 10-15 inches

  • Weight: 15-30 pounds

  • Personality: Friendly, doting

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-15 years

  • Hello, funny family dogs! Beagles are energetic sweethearts and the most popular hound breed among Americans. Sure, they're barkers and sort of needy, but it's because they adore you and have to indulge their scenthound instincts. Bred in England to hunt in packs, Beagles know how to share the love in multi-pet households.

    8. Black And Tan Coonhound

    Avondell/Getty Images

  • Height: 23-27 inches

  • Weight: 65-110 pounds

  • Personality: Mellow, social

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

  • Good with kids and other dogs, Black and Tan Coonhounds are made to socialize. These scenthounds enjoy long days outside playing and working but are very even-keel once they're hanging out at home. Like most American hounds, they were bred to hunt raccoons for early settlers.

    9. Bloodhound

    Chris Amaral/Getty Images

  • Height: 23-27 inches

  • Weight: 80-110 pounds

  • Personality: Independent, vocal

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

  • Perhaps the most hound of all the hound dog breeds is the Bloodhound. They're so ancient, it's unclear where they originated (probably somewhere in the Mediterranean). No matter! These scenthounds are very good at what they do (sniff and smell). Bloodhounds need long daily walks and early training before they become set in their ways.

    10. Bluetick Coonhound

    Hillary Kladke/Getty Images

  • Height: 21-27 inches

  • Weight: 45-80 pounds

  • Personality: Smart, tireless

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 11-12 years

  • Ah, another raccoon hunter who is sweet-natured and vocal. Bluetick Coonhounds were also used to hunt larger animals—like bears—in groups. Today, they still enjoy hanging with other dogs and can make excellent family pets if trained properly (they're smart, so they pick up on cues quickly).

    11. Borzoi (russian Wolfhounds)

    Kerstin Benz -Fotografie/Getty Images

  • Height: 26-30 inches

  • Weight: 60-105 pounds

  • Temperament: Proud, loyal

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Life Expectancy: 9-14 years

  • Borzoi are Russian sighthounds bred to hunt wolves, a pastime that has made them fearless and incredibly fast. While they can be reserved and stubborn, they are always up for playtime and happily show affection to their family members. Keep Borzois entertained or they may become bored and destructive.

    12. Cirneco Dell'etna

    Undefined/Getty Images

  • Height: 16-20 inches

  • Weight: 17-26 pounds

  • Personality: Athletic, sweet

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

  • With expressive faces and sweet dispositions, these athletic sighthounds excel in events like agility and lure coursing. Cirneco dell-Etna pups hail from Italy and do well with energetic kiddos and happily live in hot, dry climates. They almost went extinct in the 1930s, but a wealthy Sicilian baroness made sure they made a comeback. Grazi!

    13. Dachshund


  • Height: 8-9 inches (Standard), 5-6 inches (Miniature)

  • Weight: 16-32 pounds (Standard), up to 11 pounds (Miniature)

  • Personality: Curious, affectionate

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Low

  • Life Expectancy: 12 to 16 years

  • Look at these tiny hounds! The Dachshund is a versatile German dog breed. Their bold personalities are no surprise considering they were bred to sniff out badgers and dig them out of their burrows. Dachshunds are affectionate pets who tend to do well in the company of other dogs—as long as you give them plenty of positive reinforcement.

    14. English Foxhound

    Aleksandr Pobeda/EyeEm/Getty Images

  • Height: 24 inches

  • Weight: 60-75 pounds

  • Personality: Social, affectionate

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-13 years

  • English Foxhounds are social, vocal, playful and energetic dogs who embrace the company of lots of people and animals. Despite this, keeping them as family pets might not be wise unless you plan to use them actively as hunting dogs. English Foxhounds need a job to do.

    15. Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen

    JMrocek/Getty Images

  • Height: 15-18 inches

  • Weight: 40-45 pounds

  • Personality: Affectionate, independent

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 14-15 years

  • These French pups were bred as scenthounds for hunters who didn't own horses (their shorter legs cover less ground, so the humans could keep up). Today, Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens are active, sweet dogs who enjoy going everywhere their families go.

    16. Greyhound


  • Height: 27-30 inches

  • Weight: 60-70 pounds

  • Personality: Independent, sweet

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-13 years

  • The Greyhound is a lean sighthound often known for its racing skills and aerodynamic body shape. Greyhounds aren't exactly ideal family pets, but they can adapt to a variety of households if given proper exercise and attention. They like to be included for sure—and may bark to remind you they should be the focus of your attention.

    17. Harrier

    joshsolarphotography/Getty Images

  • Height: 19-21 inches

  • Weight: 45-60 pounds

  • Personality: Outgoing, adaptable

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

  • You may mistake Harriers for Beagles, but they are in fact much larger. Harriers love the outdoors and need tons of exercise to stay happy and healthy. Ideal for families who regularly hike or bike, these hound dogs are really game for anything. If a rabbit crosses their path, however, Harriers won't think twice before giving chase.

    18. Ibizan Hound

    Kristiinatammik/Getty Images

  • Height: 22-28 inches

  • Weight: 45-50 pounds

  • Personality: Affectionate, loyal

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 11-14 years

  • Ibizan Hounds prefer warm climates and lots of space so they can run around and burn all their energy. As long as you can provide them with exercise, they can adapt to many different living situations. These sighthounds are playful with friends but may be wary of strangers. Not to worry if you like quiet time—Ibizan Hounds aren't big barkers.

    19. Irish Wolfhound

    Anke Sauerwein/EyeEm/Getty Images

    As the tallest dog breed out there, an Irish Wolfhound always makes a statement when they walk into a room. These peaceful, yet dignified animals hunted wolves and these days make unwavering companions to people of all ages. Keep them exercising through old age or they'll become lazy blokes!

    20. Norwegian Elkhound

    Laura Fay/Getty Images

  • Height: 19-21 inches

  • Weight: 45-55 pounds

  • Personality: Confident, protective

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

  • For a dog whose credits include sailing around with Vikings, it's no surprise Norwegian Elkhounds are confident and protective. Though once they know a friend, it's a friend for life. Norwegian Elkhounds are smart scent dogs used to track elk and moose.

    21. Otterhound

    LourdesPhotography/Getty Images

  • Height: 24-27 inches

  • Weight: 80-115 pounds

  • Personality: Friendly, sensitive

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-13 years

  • Though these rare dogs were initially bred to hunt otters, the practice has been outlawed because they were so good at their jobs; now, they make excellent water dogs and companions. As scenthounds, Otterhounds like to follow their noses but may need a little nudging when it comes to exercise.

    22. Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen

    Auscape/Contributor/Getty Images

  • Height: 13-15 inches

  • Weight: 25-40 pounds

  • Personality: Alert, Lively

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 14-16 years

  • Mini versions of the Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen, the Petit is a rabbit hunter and thrives in the company of others. While intelligent and alert, they tend to be stubborn little buggers and require early and consistent training to ensure they work well with others (which they eventually love to do!).

    23. Pharaoh Hound

    CaptureLight/Getty Images

  • Height: 21-25 inches

  • Weight: 45-55 pounds

  • Personality: Sweet, independent

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

  • Pharaoh Hounds are cousins of Cirneco dell'Etna pups, and it shows. Those perky ears and muscular bodies are a signature family look. These are affectionate sighthounds who need big yards (or parks) to run through daily.

    24. Plott Hound

    Chad Latta/Getty Images

  • Height: 20-25 inches

  • Weight: 40-60 pounds

  • Personality: Loyal, intelligent

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

  • Initially bred in North Carolina by a German immigrant named Johannes Plott, this hound dog breed has turned into intelligent, energetic pet. Plott Hounds learn quickly but bore easily, so training should be exciting and engaging.

    25. Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

    HottShott/Getty Images

  • Height: 22-28 inches (large), 16-22 inches (medium)

  • Weight: 44-66 pounds (large), 35-44 pounds (medium)

  • Personality: Loving, alert

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-15 years

  • These scrappy little charmers are goofy dogs bursting with affection for people and animals. Portuguese Podengo Pequenos were bred to hunt and chase down rabbits, skills you'll see if your pup spots a bunny while out on a walk. Obedient and happy, they make good family pets.

    26. Redbone Coonhound

    CaseyHillPhoto/Getty Images

  • Height: 21-27 inches

  • Weight: 45-70 pounds

  • Personality: Mellow, sweet

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

  • Rich, mahogany coats and impressive tracking and hunting skills aside, Redbone Coonhounds are humble, mellow scenthounds. They are also super adaptable and will happily absorb commands when trained early. Keep them exercised and entertained and your Redbone will be content.

    27. Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Leo Dzialoszynski/EyeEm/Getty Images

  • Height: 24-27 inches

  • Weight: 70-85 pounds

  • Personality: Affectionate, independent

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-12 years

  • Being bred to track lions in Africa means having courage and a strong prey drive. Rhodesian Ridgebacks have both and then some! These are incredibly loyal and protective dogs. Training is essential to a well-behaved pup, especially since they don't always know their own strength.

    28. Saluki


  • Height: 20-28 inches

  • Weight: 40-65 pounds

  • Personality: Gentle, independent

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-17 years

  • Salukis are gentle, independent dogs who don't often gel well with strangers or kids right away. However, they are adaptable creatures and could be happy in a variety of environments, as long as they get to sprint outdoors as often as needed. Salukis have spent centuries in the deserts of Africa, so wide open spaces are ideal.

    29. Scottish Deerhound


  • Height: 30-32 inches (male), 28-30 inches (female)

  • Weight: 85-110 pounds (male), 75-95 pounds (female)

  • Personality: Loving, social

  • Activity Level: Moderate

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 8-11 years

  • Like Irish Wolfhounds, Scottish Deerhounds are impressively tall, sweet creatures. Bred to chase down deer, Scottish Deerhounds do not thrive if left all day indoors. Ideally, they're able to roam outdoors and move about freely (they also love other dogs, so having another pet in the house is a good idea).

    30. Sloughi

    Peter Virag/Getty Images

  • Height: 24-29 inches

  • Weight: 35-50 pounds

  • Personality: Reserved, gentle

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 10-15 years

  • Like Salukis and Azawakhs, Sloughis are speedy, elegant sighthounds. They also tend to be wary of new people and need time to warm up to strangers. Sloughis aren't huge on barking to announce themselves, but boy oh boy do they love chasing bunnies or foxes.

    31. Treeing Walker Coonhound

    Kerri Wile/Getty Images

  • Height: 20-27 inches

  • Weight: 50-70 pounds

  • Personality: Smart, affectionate

  • Activity Level: High

  • Shedding Factor: Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-13 years

  • Treeing Walker Coonhounds were adept at chasing prey (mostly raccoons, but often other small animals) into trees and keeping them there until the hunters could catch up. Learning comes easily to these sweet dogs, and they often adapt to their owner's lifestyle, though swift walks and outdoor excursions are always appreciated, even for lazy pups

    32. Whippet


  • Height: 18-22 inches

  • Weight: 25-40 pounds

  • Personality: Calm, Playful

  • Activity Level: Moderate to High

  • Shedding Factor: Low to Moderate

  • Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

  • An almost miniature version of the Greyhound, the Whippet is a remarkably fast sighthound who often acts more like a cat than a hound dog breed. They love curling up with their favorite human (adult or child) and make excellent apartment dogs. Whippets are low maintenance yet sensitive, so train accordingly.

    20 Long-Haired Dog Breeds That Give Rapunzel a Run for Her Money

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    Leading Hound Dog Breeds Ranked By Number Of Registrations In The UK 2022

    This statistic presents the leading 10 hound dog breeds in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2022, based on the number of registrations. In 2022, the Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshund, commonly known as the 'sausage dog', was the leading hound dog breed, with 15,308 new registrations. Whippets were the second most popular breed that year, receiving 4,342 registrations.

    The Most Expensive Dog Breeds In The World

    The Most Expensive Dog Breeds in the WorldReader's Digest

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    Mariana Mikhailova/Getty Images

    Any dog will cost you some kibble. It doesn't matter if you choose fluffy dogs, toy dog breeds, dogs that look like teddy bears, smart dog breeds, dumbest dog breeds or loyal dog breeds. It all adds up—vet care, food, toys, treats, grooming, and don't forget dog boarding and dog walking fees if you need them. Of course, there's the initial cost of purchasing the dog too (unless you adopt a shelter dog), which is the criteria we used for this list of most expensive dog breeds.

    There aren't set-in-stone prices for dog breeds, so we pawed through puppy listings across the country to come up with an average price. Speaking of puppy listings, the smartest way to avoid puppy mills is to take your time and thoroughly research the breeder, read reviews, and ask lots of questions.

    Several factors influence the higher price tag. The most popular dog breeds, overall popularity, and even the rarity of the breed dictate the price, as well as whether the dog comes from a high pedigree. Whatever the reason, these breeds fetch a higher price tag—and dog lovers will say they're worth every penny!

    Liliya Kulianionak/Shutterstock 1. Tibetan Mastiff

    Average Tibetan Mastiff cost: $3,000–$5,000

    If the price of a dog were based on weight, pound for pound, the Tibetan Mastiff would be a front runner for sure. Case in point, a Red Tibetan Mastiff named Big Splash is the most expensive dog ever sold. His new owner shelled out some $1.5 million to take home a then 11-month-old, 180-pound puppy. The Tibetan Mastiff's size could undoubtedly be intimidating and scary, but they're actually a very affectionate family dog breed, albeit a bit standoffish and territorial with strangers.

    All the rights for presented photos are my own./Getty Images 2. Black Russian Terrier

    Average Black Russian Terrier cost: $3,000–$5,000

    We typically think of terriers as small and cute dogs, but the Black Russian Terrier is an exception. When all four paws are on the scales, they can weigh as much as 140 pounds and stand 30 inches tall at the shoulder. They're indeed a muscular and powerful dog, well suited for guarding and protecting. Like other giant dog breeds that make great pets, they are eager to please and wicked smart, but unlike other big dogs, they're not loafers and need plenty of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them happy and out of mischief.

    3. Samoyed

    Average Samoyed cost: $2,500–$5,000

    Famously known for their cheerful, contagious smile, this adorable and fluffy Russian dog breed is one of the most expensive dog breeds. Besides melting our hearts, that smile has a practical purpose. The upturned corners of the lips keep the dogs from drooling, preventing icicles from forming on their faces.

    They are lovey-dovey and gentle with humans of all ages, making for enthusiastic playmates for kids and adults. They do get bored easily, though, so they'll fit best with people who have time to provide ample exercise and loads of mental stimulation, whether it is hide-and-seek outside or a fun and challenging dog puzzle inside.

    Michael Camilleri/Getty Images 4. French Bulldog

    Average French Bulldog cost: $2,500–$4,000

    If you're looking for an adorably short-legged dog, this fun-loving, short-haired dog breed could be the pup of your dreams. You won't have to make regular trips to the groomer, but those irresistible wrinkles do merit daily attention and should be kept clean and dry.

    Speaking of attention, the Frenchie demands lots of doting, playtime, and general interaction from its human family. As a matter of fact, that's probably why they love kids so much—instant playmates! Unless they get excited, Frenchies probably won't be loud or rambunctious barkers, but they are known for their preciously sweet snorts and snores.

    Svetlana Valoueva/Shutterstock 5. Löwchen

    Average Low Chen cost: $2,500–$4,000

    Flowy manes make some dogs look like lions, but the Löwchen (pronounced lerv-chun) has a name that actually means "little lion dog" in German—with emphasis on "little." They are nowhere near the size of a full-grown lion, weighing just 15 pounds and standing a little over a foot tall.

    They're not remotely as ferocious as their wild doppelganger, either. Löwchens are playful and cheery, yet have a calm demeanor, and they're positively smitten with humans of all ages. The stunning lion mane requires brushing at least every other day, along with a monthly "lion clip," which keeps the furry locks long and flowing around the face and chest, close-cropped in the hindquarters, and plumed in the tail.

    6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

    Average Cavalier King Charles Spaniel cost: $2,500–$3,500

    Undeniably one of the cutest little fur nuggets you'll ever meet, these pups have so much more than melt-your-heart good looks going for them. They also have comfort-bestowing superpowers and are sensitive to what humans need, be it a snuggle session to soothe anxiety or a cheerful distraction with their playfulness after a hard day.

    They are gentle, mild-mannered, and their heartwarming affection knows no limits, nor does their eagerness to please. They easily check off the qualifications for being among both the best dog breeds for emotional support as well as the most beloved family dogs.

    Elena Pejchinova/Getty Images 7. Bernese Mountain Dog

    Average Bernese Mountain Dog cost: $2,500–$3,500

    Large and in charge—of your heart, the Bernese Mountain Dog (aka Berner) is the big ball of love we can't get enough of. Berners check off a lot of boxes for people looking for a large and affectionate dog, so it's easy to see why they are one of the most expensive dogs.

    At the top of the list of attributes is versatility. The Berner can jet through an agility course, pull the kids on a sled, and watch over your family and home. And home is where the Berner's heart is. They thrive on family togetherness, and even though they are big dogs, they are gentle around young kids and a quiet dog breed that doesn't bark too much.

    8. Biewer Terrier

    Average Biewer Terrier cost: $2,500–$3,500

    Though it bears no resemblance to the beaver, Biewer is pronounced "beaver." These Yorkshire Terrier lookalikes are named for the original breeders, Gertrude and Werner Biewer. No offense to the beaver, but we think the Biewer is a lot cuter! Until recently, you might not have even heard of them, but since they became fully recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), their popularity and price tag have been growing.

    Bred to be companion, lap-loving dogs, these little darlings are as sweet as they look. Standing under a foot tall and just four to eight pounds, they are portable and fun little sidekicks that win hearts everywhere they go.

    9. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

    Average Staffordshire Bull Terrier cost: $2,000–$3,500

    This breed is definitely one of those dog breeds everyone confuses with a Pit Bull, a Bull Terrier, or an American Staffordshire Terrier. It also shares an unfortunate history with dog-orientated blood sports and is thus tossed into the mix of pit bull "facts" that are totally wrong.

    Thankfully, those dark days are over, and the Staffie is more popular than ever as a lovey-dovey, sweet-natured dog. They hold their families in high regard and keep a close eye on family members and their property, so it's perfectly natural that they would be a little suspicious of strangers.

    10. St. Bernard

    Average St. Bernard cost: $1,500–$3,500

    These days, more people are flocking to parks and trails to take in the fresh air and calming scenery. And if you're longing to share those calming vibes with a big rugged mountain dog breed that loves adventure, your search may be over. This super chill giant of the Swiss Alps was famous for rescuing travelers trapped in the snow and avalanches back in the day, and while it still can step up to that role, St. Bernards are content to be non-working members of the family.

    Given their 120- to 200-pound frame, you would think they would eat enormous amounts of kibble, but they don't because of their calm demeanor and lower exercise requirements.

    Nadiia_Diachenko/Getty Images 11. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

    Average Greater Swiss Mountain Dog cost: $2,500–$3,000

    The Rottweiler and St. Bernard can thank their Great Swiss Mountain Dog (aka Swissy) ancestors for helping to develop their breeds. You can see the similarity in their tri-color coats, rugged good looks, and strong, muscular physiques. Plus, they all share the status of being some of the most expensive dog breeds.

    Though Swissy's are a working breed, they tend to gel with the activity level of their family. That doesn't mean exercise should take a backseat when it comes to keeping the Swissy in prime condition. Working dogs flourish when they have "jobs" to do, be it pulling a cart in the garden, hiking, or backpacking. Just be sure your Swissy stays cool, as this faithful and family-geared dog doesn't fare well in hot climates.

    12. Irish Wolfhound

    Average Irish Wolfhound cost: $2,500–$3,000

    Wire-haired dogs may not scream "soft and cuddly," but their coats are surprisingly soft to the touch. These gentle giants are an expensive dog breed and one of the tallest and heaviest breeds of the sighthounds, meaning they depend on their eyes more than their snouts for hunting. They are an impressive 32 inches (or more) at the shoulder and weigh around 120 pounds.

    But as formidable as they look, they fail as guard dogs. They're not suspicious or remotely aggressive. On the contrary, they are easygoing, sensitive, patient, and sweet. The breed is relaxed with other pets and dogs in the house and good with children.

    Tatyana Consaul/Getty Images 13. Golden Retriever

    Average Golden Retriever cost: $2,000–$3,000

    Who would have thought a Scottish gun dog would be one of the most popular dog breeds in America? "Me," the Golden would answer. An impressive jack-of-all-trades kind of dog, the Golden can be a therapy or service dog, a standout candidate in competitive and obedience events, or an outdoor sports partner in hunting and field work. And we haven't even mentioned the good-natured, loving, eager-to-please, and loyal characteristics yet. Wrap up all those qualities and you have a dog that is pretty close to perfection.

    14. Shikoku

    Average Shikoku cost: $2,000–$3,000

    The price tag of expensive dog breeds often coincides with newfound popularity in the media. The fantastical over-sized dire wolves in Game of Thrones and the beloved dog Rollo in Outlander launched a desire to adopt or buy dogs that look like wolves. The Shikoku, also known as the Kochi-ken (ken = dog), looks like a wolf and is named for an island in Japan.

    It's an alert and enthusiastic dog with loads of endurance, probably stemming from its ancestors, who were tireless boar hunters. They're tenacious, have a high prey drive, and have a strong connection to nature, but indoors they are loyal and docile with their trusted humans.

    Tikhomirov Sergey/Shutterstock 15. Pharaoh Hound

    Average Pharaoh Hound cost: $1,800–$3,000

    The Pharaoh Hound hails from Malta and is known for "blushing" when happy or excited. This quirky natural phenomenon occurs when the nose and ears flush with blood. When they are deliriously happy (anticipating a tasty treat or just excited to see you), they'll shake their whole body and open their mouth so big you could do a dental exam.

    Though it's the National Dog of Malta and bears a striking resemblance to the jackal god Anubis from ancient Egypt, it is one of those rare dog breeds you probably didn't know about. But the people who do have Pharaoh hounds as pets know that they are gentle and loving with children and devoted snugglers.

    Olexandr Andreiko/Shutterstock 16. Rottweiler

    Average Rottweiler cost: $1,500–$3,000

    Rottweilers were initially developed to guard, drive, and hold cattle. They even guarded the cattlemen's money by wearing the cash in a pouch around their neck. They're still thought of as guard dogs, but instead of cattle, they're used by police and the military. However, they can be good pets for families with early and consistent training and socialization.

    Rotties are sharp, tireless, and eager to learn new skills. They are a powerful German dog breed that is confident, bold, and a bit intimidating to someone who doesn't know them. But to their family, the Rottie is fun-loving, uber affectionate, and often comical.

    17. Azawakh

    Average Azawakh cost: $1,500–$2,500

    With a similar resemblance to a greyhound, this unique long-nosed dog breed is ultra-lean and uniquely elegant. At first glance, the Azawakh looks like it missed a few meals, but this leggy and slim breed was well suited for chasing gazelles in the sands of the Sahara for more than 1,000 years.

    They're highly intelligent, fairly independent, and reserved with people they don't know, so don't delay your puppy training. However, when they're around their humans, they are deeply affectionate. Azawakhs are one of the dogs least likely to drool, and they don't have a "dog odor"—attributes fitting for a posh and regal breed.

    Mariana Mikhailova/Getty Images 18. Afghan hound

    Average Afghan Hound cost: $1,500–$2,500

    When it comes to long-haired dogs with gorgeous locks, the Afghan Hound is the supermodel of the canine runway. But their regal and dignified appearance isn't without loads of maintenance. If you love to dote on your fur baby, this may be the breed for you. Regular brushing and weekly baths are essential to maintain those silky locks.

    Independent, self-confident, and a bit strong-willed, Afghan hounds can be challenging to train. Yet, they are also incredibly sweet and clownish at times. They may give off a pretentious vibe and be aloof with strangers, but they're generally affectionate with their own family.

    DejaVu Designs/Getty Images 19. Newfoundland

    Average Newfoundland cost: $1,500–$2,500

    The Newfie retains gold medal status for being one of the most easy going and low-key dogs on the planet. As one of the dog breeds that are less likely to bite, they are exceptionally gentle, patient, and watchful with young children. On top of that, they are notably friendly and enjoy the company of other dogs too. Newfies aren't looking for high-intensity exercise—a daily leisurely walk should fend off boredom and help keep them fit.

    As a bonus, Newfies don't do much shedding or drooling—something to keep in mind if you're not a fan of weekly brushing, vacuuming, or drool puddles.

    20. Portuguese Water Dog

    Average Portuguese Water Dog cost: $1,500–$2,500

    It's hard to resist an adorable curly haired dog that doesn't shed much. Maybe those perks are how two Portuguese Water dogs found their way to the White House. President Obama had two of these dogs—Sunny and Bo.

    While those tight-woven curls don't end up all over your furniture, they do need frequent brushing to keep tangles from forming and full coat trims monthly. Temperament wise, Portuguese Water dogs are friendly, affectionate, smart, and adventurous. Activities that utilize their intellect and need for physical exercise will keep these cuties happy and fit.

    Tatiana Katsai/Shutterstock 21. Rhodesian Ridgeback

    Average Rhodesian Ridgeback cost: $1,500–$2,500

    These graceful and devoted caretakers were bred with wild African dogs—that's how they got their distinctive stripe of hair that grows in the opposite direction along their spine (the ridge). Loving with their immediate family members, they fit into the big dog breeds that are great for families category because they like to hang out with kids and are protective of younger children under their "care."

    They also make great family pets because they get along with other dogs and even cats when they are brought up together. As one of the most expensive dog breeds, they are well worth the price tag for companionship and guarding nature.

    22. Dogo Argentino

    Average Dogo Argentino cost: $1,200–$2,500

    Their hunting days may be over, but the Dogo Argentino's vigilant guarding instincts and tendency to protect their territory (you and your home) are very strong. Yet, like most guard dog breeds, they are also lovable and super affectionate with their humans.

    Back in the day, the Dogo Argentino was developed to hunt big game. With those genes still in their DNA, they are serious athletes who crave daily physical and mental activity, especially games that utilize their keen sense of smell. So, you'll need more than money if you're thinking about getting this short-haired white dog breed. The AKC (who recently recognized the dog breed) recommends an experienced dog owner who is consistent and confident in dog training.

    CaptureLight/Getty Images 23. Spinone Italiano

    Average Spinone Italiano cost: $1,000–$2,000

    Italian dog breeds like the Spinone Italiano have a reputation for sharp intelligence and impressive speed and endurance in field hunting. But it just may be their stylish good looks that point to their expensive dog breed price tag.

    Their soft and furry pendulous ears and sweet expressive eyes are enough to melt anyone's heart—not to mention their distinguished beards and shaggy eyebrows. Besides being irresistibly cute, they are highly trainable, notably sweet and affectionate with their family, and socialize well with other dogs.

    Eduard_Mikrykov/Getty Images 24. Akita

    Average Akita cost: $900–$1,500

    Before Akitas had an official breed name, they were referred to simply as "snow country dogs." Their dense undercoat, raised outer layer of fur, and webbing between their toes served them well while hunting in the snowy mountains of Japan. Nowadays, these authentic Japanese dog breeds are better known for being devoted watchdogs and protectors, but they still prefer the cold over hot temperatures.

    Akita's love the snow so much, in fact, that they'll be the first one out the door when the white stuff piles up. They love to play and roll around in it. They have a tendency to be domineering and aren't crazy about other dogs or pets; they're also reserved with strangers. Still, with the right person or family, they make lovable companions.

    25. English Bulldog

    Average English Bulldog cost: $900–$1,500

    When the National Dog Show hosts share their most interesting moments, they always mention a Bulldog named Thor. Viewers and spectators fell in love with this adorable flat-faced dog breed and his confident and charming swagger. He impressed the judges too and took home the Best in Show honors in 2019.

    When certain dogs win, it often propels the breed into instant popularity and makes them one of the most expensive dog breeds to own. Show dog or not, the English Bulldog has a lot going for it, especially if you love a low-key dog with a cute brawny frame and an adorably wrinkled face.

    GoodLifeStudio/Getty Images 26. Chow Chow

    Average Chow Chow cost: $900–$1,500

    With an enormous fluffy face, this authentic Chinese dog breed has a lot of unique features befitting an expensive dog breed, for example, a cool, dark blue-purple tongue. Then there's the famous scowling expression it sometimes wears, even when it's happy. Strong-willed, independent, and often aloof, the Chow Chow's vibe is similar to that of a cat. It is endearing and perplexing at once. Fastidious like cats, Chow Chows don't have offensive doggy odors when they are brushed often.


    Next: Explore pet loss quotes for supporting a loved one when the worst happens.

    Originally Published: January 05, 2022

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