ringworm in cattle :: Article Creator Ringworm Of Cattle VY-56 VY-56Animal Health Cooperative Extension ServicePurdue UniversityWest Lafayette, IN 47907 R. L. Morter, D.V.M., C. James Callahan, D.V.M.School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University Cause Ringworm is caused by infection of the hair and surface layers of the skin by fungi. It occurs in all species of animals including man. Fungal infections cause little, if any, permanent damage or economic loss. However, because ringworm is a transmissable infectious disease, animals with lesions are barred from exhibitions or shows by regulations of the State Board of Animal Health. Infection of the skin and hair of cattle is most frequently due to Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi. Spores are shed from the lesion by broken hairs or scabs from the lesion. The spores remain alive for years in a dry environment; and because they do, halters, grooming equipment, or even a barn...