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How To Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture Once & For All

Has your trendy mid-century sofa turned into a piece of modern art courtesy of your cat's busy claws? If so, you may be desperately seeking solutions for your cat's scratching behavior.

Here's the thing: To us, a velvet armchair is a symbol of taste and elegance. We purchased it to decorate our home, and it holds sentimental value. Our homes and decor are, after all, a reflection of our style and personality. It makes a statement: "I have great taste, and this armchair proves it."

To our cats? Evidently, they make no distinction between a $5,000 leather couch and a cardboard box from Amazon. We can't blame them though: Cats don't care about aesthetics, brand names, or sentimental value.

One thing we should clarify, however, is that furniture holds some value to them too. That velvet armchair? It makes the perfect scratching post and feels wonderful under their claws. They're not ruining it—from their perspective, they're personalizing it. And when they sit atop it, it feels like the perfect perch to observe the world.

So, the next time you're upset about your cat scratching the furniture, consider this: Cats don't understand why you're so upset about it. To them, it's just another scratching surface that they're instinctively drawn to.

Therefore, if you want to protect your prized furniture while respecting your cat's instincts, some level of compromise is key. A good place to start is by better understanding the root of the behavior and addressing your cat's needs.

Don't take it personally—your cat isn't on a mission to destroy your favorite chair, sofa, or rug.Photo by Magui-rfajardo, modified via Canva

Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture?

Scratching furniture (or anything else) is a perfectly normal cat behavior. No, cats don't do it to frustrate you, nor do they do it out of spite. Scratching is a species-specific behavior. In a nutshell, it's part of being a cat.

Rodan and Heath, in 2016, described a cat's scratching behavior as normal but undesirable to cat parents. However, it shouldn't be categorized as a "problem behavior."

But what's the underlying reason for a cat's fascination with scratching? Let's scratch the surface (and beyond) of this mysterious behavior!

A Grooming Behavior

Cats routinely scratch surfaces to keep their nails sharp, which is important for hunting purposes or during climbing. Scratching also helps remove the old outer sheath (the outer layer) of the cat's claws.

Leaving a Scent Mark

You may find it surprising to learn that cats primarily scratch for marking purposes. Cats have these special scent glands in between their paw pads (interdigital glands), so when they scratch surfaces, they leave an odoriferous mark that informs other cats about their presence.

Leaving a Visual Mark

On top of depositing odors, when cats scratch furniture, they also leave a visual mark. This also serves the purpose of announcing their presence and is evidence of their territory. This may explain why cats are often attracted to scratching areas near the entryway.

A Little Workout

Additionally, scratching simply feels good to cats. When cats scratch, they get to stretch their foreleg and shoulder muscles and exercise the tendons.

A Playful Behavior

Cats may also playfully scratch furniture as part of their natural hunting instincts. It is often seen in kittens and juvenile cats as part of their increased exploratory behavior and play.

In some cases, cats learn that scratching furniture gets your attention, whether it's positive or negative. This isn't done out of spite but as part of a cat's uncanny ability to associate certain actions with predictable outcomes.

Expressing Emotions

Cats may also scratch surfaces when they feel excited or to relieve frustration or stress. It is also possible that a cat who is scratching repeatedly is not feeling safe in his environment. If you are punishing your cat for misbehaving, this may add to his anxiety, making the problem worse.

A cat's scratching behavior is described as a normal expression within the feline ethogram.Photo by Caleb Woods, Unsplash

Welfare Concerns About Declawing Cats

It can sometimes feel tempting to consider declawing your cat, but something important to consider is that this is an actual amputation, similar to removing the last knuckles of our fingers. This mutilation may save your furniture, but there are several welfare concerns.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) discourages this surgical procedure and recommends that vets counsel owners about cats' natural scratching behavior. It also suggests non-surgical alternatives.

Studies have found that when cats are declawed, there is a significant risk of back pain and behavior problems such as house soiling, biting, over-grooming, and aggression. This can be triggered by persistent neuropathic pain, which causes their toes to become hypersensitive.

How to Stop a Cat From Scratching Furniture

Addressing furniture-scratching behavior requires a multimodal approach. There are three main approaches that will up your chances of getting your cat to stop scratching your furniture. When combined, these approaches can work together to provide a potential winning strategy.

  • The first approach is to make scratching furniture difficult, unappealing, or even close to impossible for your cat.

  • The second approach is to make alternative scratching areas desirable, easy to access, and almost impossible to resist.

  • The third approach is to minimize damage if your cat still happens to scratch.

  • 1. Make Scratching Difficult, Unappealing, or Close to Impossible

    Every time your cat gets to scratch your furniture, the behavior is reinforced because it feels good for cats to scratch. Therefore, it's important to take steps to manage your cat's environment and make scratching difficult.

    Rearrange the Environment

    This ultimate solution is often the most overlooked, but it's the best way to finally end furniture scratching once and for all. No, I am not talking about declawing your cat. I am talking about managing your cat's environment.

    This strategy adheres to the "out of sight, out of mind" protocol. In other words, keep the furniture you care about out of your cat's reach. You can accomplish this by isolating the furniture by using stackable baby gates or simply closing the doors to the rooms with the furniture you intend to protect.

    While this may sound a bit extreme, it's the most resolutive solution. By managing your cat's environment, you keep your furniture safe while preventing your cat from practicing the furniture-scratching behavior.

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    Make Furniture Less Desirable

    If keeping your furniture away from your cat is difficult, you can help your cat make good choices by making the furniture he usually scratches less appealing.

  • Texture: For example, you can try changing the texture of your furniture by applying double-sided tape or using an upside-down carpet runner. Cats dislike touching these surfaces.

  • Accessibility: You can also make your furniture less accessible by placing it at a distance from where your cat spends most of his time.

  • 2. Make "Scratch Stations" Appealing

    Because scratching is a natural, species-specific behavior, we can't expect cats to stop scratching altogether. Therefore, we need to provide them with legitimate items that they can scratch to their heart's content.

    Stock up on sturdy (not wobbly) scratching posts and place them strategically so that your cat has access to good outlets for his natural scratching behavior. To increase compliance, it helps to "think like a cat" and identify your cat's preferences. This allows for strategic solutions that may work long-term.

    Strategic Locations

    If your cat scratches after waking up from a nap, keep a scratching post handy in the area where your cat habitually naps. If your cat scratches when people enter the home, keep a scratching post by the entrance. Many cats like to scratch in regularly used pathways.

    Strategic Positions

    A study examined cats' scratching behavior and found that cats were attracted to scratching furniture in 81.5% of cases and strongly preferred vertical items. This information tells us that it makes sense to invest in scratching posts that are positioned vertically versus horizontal scratching pads.

    However, if you notice your cat scratching on horizontal surfaces, it makes sense to also provide a horizontal pad. You can find scratching pads that offer the best of both worlds.

    Preferred Materials

    Studies have also found that when cats are given the option of different substrates for scratching, they prefer scratching chenille fabric, cardboard, sisal rope, and carpet.

    If, despite offering these materials, your cat is still determined to scratch the couch, you can try covering a scratching post using the same type of fabric, suggests veterinary behaviorist Carlo Siracusa in the book Decoding Your Cat.

    Another option, if you don't mind the aesthetics of it, is to cover the side of the sofa that is commonly scratched with a scratching mat that adheres to the couch and acts as a protector.

    Encourage the Behavior

    You can encourage your cat to use his scratching post by simply pretending to scratch it yourself with your fingers and producing a scratching sound. Praise your cat for using the post and offer a treat. Some catnip can be added as an extra attractant.

    Spraying the pheromone-based product Feliscratch by Feliway has been found effective in reducing unwanted scratching. When sprayed on scratching posts in a 2018 study, 74% of cats used them rather than other vertical items after 28 days of its application.

    Gift your cat some scratching posts as part of their permanent environmental enrichment. Make sure they're tall enough for your cat to stand up on his back legs.Photo by Pixelshot, modified via Canva

    3. Make Scratching Less Damaging

    If your cat still manages to occasionally scratch, you want his nails to do the least damage possible. You can accomplish this in various ways.

  • Trim the nails: Regular nail trims, about every 1 to 2 weeks, can help cut down on damage to household items.

  • Use nail covers: Another effective management option is the use of plastic sheaths, formally known as "nail caps," which cover your cat's claws so that when your cat scratches, he cannot exert damage.

  • Supportive Strategies

    While the three core strategies (management, redirection, and damage control) provide the framework for addressing scratching, complementary measures help provide additional support needed for long-term success.

    These additional strategies offer a holistic and well-rounded approach to managing cat scratching.

    Pheromone Products

    Pheromone diffusers such as Feliway can help provide cats with feelings of calm and reassurance so that they're less likely to scratch inappropriately. To help reduce scratching, it will need to be plugged into the same room where the undesirable scratching takes place.

    It may also help to clean the furniture commonly scratched by the cat with warm water and soap and then spray it with a cat pheromone-based spray. According to Feliway, this helps remove all the previous territory messages left by the cat's paws, replacing them with "reassuring messages" that may help reduce scratching.

    Avoid spraying traditional Feliway on scratching posts, as this will discourage your cat from using them. Instead, try using Feliscratch by Feliway, as it's specifically marketed to attract your cat to the scratching post.

    Environmental Enrichment

    It's important to ensure that your cat is happy and healthy and that all her needs are met. Among a cat's basic needs is the provision of a good supply of environmental enrichment. This is fundamental because the environment in which a cat is raised plays a big role in her mental and physical well-being.

    On top of keeping cats happy and engaged, enrichment helps manage undesirable behaviors, and that includes scratching furniture.

    You can enrich your cat's environment by offering a variety of interactive cat toys, cardboard boxes, food-dispensing puzzles, window perches, and cat trees. Rotate toys to keep your cat's interest in them alive, and leave some space for interactive play to bond with your feline friend and help him burn off energy.

    Cats adapt their instincts to domestic life.Infographic by Adrienne Farricelli, Canva

    Avoid Punishment

    Avoid yelling, hitting, scruffing, or scaring your cat with a spray of water or a startling noise. Studies have shown that these methods are not only ineffective, but they can even backfire, impact trust, and potentially cause fearful or defensive aggression.

    Furthermore, by punishing your cat when you catch him scratching, you're teaching him to fear you, and because scratching is a natural need, your cat will learn to scratch other areas or when you're not looking.

    Concluding Thoughts

    If your cat is scratching your furniture, rest assured you are not alone. Scratching inappropriate objects is a common complaint among feline owners, with an incidence rate as high as 83.9%, according to certain studies.

    This destruction often leads to drastic decisions, such as declawing or relinquishing a cat to a shelter. Fortunately, you don't have to be as drastic as that.

    And if, despite all of your precautions and training, your cat still manages to scratch that piece of furniture? Remind yourself that furniture, no matter how beautiful, is replaceable. Your cat? Just like a snowflake, he's a very unique creature that can never be replaced.

    Up Next:

    Related: The Surprising Reason Cats Love Boxes, According to a Trainer

  • Martell-Moran NK, Solano M, Townsend HG. Pain and adverse behavior in declawed cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. 2018

  • Feliway: 4 Tips to Help Reduce Unwanted Cat Scratching

  • Beck, Alexandra & De Jaeger, Xavier & Collin, Jean-François & Tynes, V.. (2018). Effect of a synthetic feline pheromone for managing unwanted scratching. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine

  • Decoding Your Cat: The Ultimate Experts Explain Common Cat Behaviors and Reveal How to Prevent or Change Unwanted Ones. July 21, 2020 by American College of Veterinary Behaviorists

  • Disclaimer: Dog training and behavior modification, particularly for challenges involving potential aggression (e.G., lunging, barking, growling, snapping, or biting), require in-person guidance from a qualified behavior professional. Online articles are for educational purposes only and do not replace personalized, professional intervention.

    By using this information, you accept full responsibility for your dog's actions and waive any liability claims related to their behavior. If your dog shows concerning behaviors, seek professional help immediately to ensure safety and proper care.

    The 8 Best Products To Stop Cats From Scratching Furniture In 2025

    When you buy through our links, Business Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

    If you're wondering how to stop cats from scratching furniture, it helps to know why they do it. Scratching is a natural feline behavior. Cats scratch to stretch, keep their claws in good shape for climbing and hunting, and mark their territory with scents and visible signs, says Dr. Maggie Placer, a veterinarian and veterinary science program manager at EveryCat Health Foundation.

    To recommend the best products to protect furniture from cat scratching, we spoke to veterinarians and cat behaviorists and tested 22 products to deter destructive scratching. Our top pick is the Sofa Scratcher Squared, a durable sisal-covered post that fits neatly around the corners of sofas and chairs. We love its simple, clean design and neutral color options.

    Keep in mind that there are a variety of reasons a cat might be attracted to scratching your sofa. Some cats don't have alternative scratching posts or pads. If they do have them, they may not be placed in the right locations or the scratching surfaces might be too worn and due for replacement. Other cats enjoy the furniture's height or the feeling of scratching a couch or carpet. Whatever the reason, you can keep your cat from scratching furniture by offering them more attractive options.

    Read more about how Insider Reviews tests and evaluates pet products.

    Our top picks for products to stop cats from scratching furniture

    Best overall: Sofa Scratcher Squared - See at Chewy

    Best furniture guard: Clawguard Furniture Shields - See at Chewy

    Best stylish: Hilde & Phil Cat-e-Corner - See at Hilde & Phil

    Best scratch tape: Pioneer Pet Sticky Paws on a Roll - See at Chewy

    Best scratching post: On2Pets Skyline Sisal Cat Scratching Post - See at Chewy

    Best floor scratcher: Petfusion Ultimate Cat Scratcher Lounge - See at Chewy

    Best wall-mounted scratcher: 7 Ruby Road Wall Mounted Cat Scratcher - See at Amazon

    Best cat tree: Armarkat Classic Cat Tree - See at Chewy

    Best overall Sofa Scratcher Squared

    Part furniture guard, part scratching post, the Sofa Scratcher does double duty to protect furniture from destruction.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Combination scratcher/furniture guard
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Fits snugly against a couch, chair corner, or furniture leg
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Held in place by weight of furniture instead of tape or pins
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Felt backing on scratcher prevents upholstery from pilling
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Available in five colors
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. More expensive than furniture guards and most scratching posts
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Light assembly required
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Does not protect large surface area
  • The genius of the Sofa Scratcher is that its sisal-covered edges fit snugly against a couch or chair. This gives a cat an appropriate place to scratch right at the center of the room where felines prefer to mark their territory, says Dr. Christine Calder, a board-certified veterinary behaviorist.

    The Sofa Scratcher is available in a half-moon-shaped design and also a square version. We like the Sofa Scratcher Squared because it lines up flush against most furniture, and its wood core prevents your cat from sinking their claws into the upholstery. One of our furniture-scratching cats seemed to enjoy flexing his claws on the Sofa Scratcher Squared as much as he enjoyed using them on the couch itself. And after nearly six months of use, the scratcher still looked brand new.

    The Sofa Scratcher is the best product for protecting sofas and chairs from cat scratching. Janelle Leeson/Business Insider

    The 24-inch-tall square scratcher and its two 5.5-inch-wide panels perfectly covered the chair and couches we tested it on. If you have taller furniture, you may need a furniture guard to protect the remaining inches of exposed furniture. The brand's original rounded scratcher didn't match the shape of our furniture, leaving gaps large enough for a determined cat to reach the upholstery, but it may be a better fit if your furniture has curved arms. The Sofa Scratcher has a rectangular polycarbonate base that you slip under the leg of a couch or chair so the furniture's weight keeps it in place. While the base remained stable, the top of the scratcher sometimes wiggled. However, it didn't dislodge from the couch during use, even when our cats dug their claws in deep and pulled with force.

    Keep in mind that if you stop using this type of scratcher, it could be problematic. "It won't train your cat to scratch on all couches or furniture, but it could absolutely teach your cat that this couch is now a delightful scratching surface," says Rachel Geller, a certified cat behavior and retention specialist and founder of All Cats All the Time, Inc.

    Best furniture guard Clawguard Furniture Shields

    Clawguard Furniture Shields are easy-to-install, semi-permanent solutions for protecting furniture and carpet from cats' claws.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Long-lasting, durable vinyl withstands sharp claws
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Transparent and flexible material
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Easy to install with upholstery twist pins
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Comes in four sizes and can be cut down to smaller sizes
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Visible on furniture and carpeting
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Upholstery pins may leave marks on delicate materials
  • One way to stop a cat from scratching furniture is to make their favorite scratching spots less desirable, says Dr. Preston Turano, a veterinarian and veterinary spokesperson at Felix Cat Insurance. You can cover an area with sticky vinyl to discourage destructive tendencies. However, Turano says scratching is a natural behavior, so it's important to provide a nearby scratching post to redirect their attention. Then, reward your cat with treats or praise when they use the post or tree instead.

    Of the two vinyl guards we tested, the Clawguard Furniture Shield offered the most protection and took less than five minutes to install. The transparent, flexible material attaches to upholstery or carpeting with twist pins inserted through holes that run the length of the shield's edges. When the shield is secured tight, the clear plastic caps on the pins look like small buttons.

    The best furniture guard is easy to secure and extra durable. Shoshi Parks/Insider

    After figuring out the vinyl was unpleasant to scratch on his first attempt, my furniture-scratching cat did not touch it again, preferring to use the nearby posts and pads instead. Not even a utility knife left marks on the guard, and a pushpin could only fully penetrate it with heavy pressure.

    You can choose from four sizes, which come in packs of two. You can also cut them down in size with scissors. Aside from how well they protect furniture, the best thing about the shields is that they will last for months, if not years.

    Despite being made of clear vinyl, Clawguard Furniture Shields are easily visible. And while my upholstery did not show signs of being embedded with pins when we removed the guard after testing, more delicate materials may.

    Best stylish Hilde & Phil Cat-e-Corner

    This side table and scratching post combo offers a functional and attractive cat-scratching solution.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Doubles as an attractive end table
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Customizable options
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Replaceable sisal scratching mat
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Pricey
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Light assembly required
  • If you're looking for something that combines function and style, we're smitten with the polished look of the Hilde and Phil Cat-E-Corner, a two-in-one end table and sisal scratcher. The idea began as a successful Kickstarter by a cat dad inspired by none other than his own cats, Hilde and Phil.

    The Cat-E-Corner fits snugly against your armchair or couch, wrapping around the front arm or the back if you have a chaise. It functions and looks like an extension of your furniture. A 7-inch-wide tabletop sits atop its vertical sisal scratching surface. Made of real, solid wood with a plywood backing, it comes in a maple or black walnut finish. You can customize the fit with left or right positioning and risers. Our 27-inch sofa, for example, needed a 2-inch riser for an ideal end table height.

    The Cat-e-Corner is a versatile end table and cat scratcher with a sleek, modern design. Janelle Leeson/Business Insider

    Our cats took to it right away, favoring the sisal at the front of the arm while we relaxed on the couch. When the sisal starts showing wear — about two months in for us — you can detach the mat from its velcro backing and replace it with a new scratching pad, sold separately in three patterns. To maximize the pad's lifespan, we recommend rotating the worn sisal from front to back before swapping it out for a fresh one.

    The Cat-E-Corner is freestanding, with no permanent attachment points or parts that tuck under your furniture. If your couch sits partially on a rug, you may need to use shims to balance the unit. Otherwise, its sturdy build and anti-tip feet keep belongings level when in use.

    Best scratch tape What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Transparent tape adheres to a variety of surfaces
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Comes in multiple sizes including a tape roll
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Easy to remove and doesn't leave residue
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Not too aversive for cats
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Debris clings to tape's sticky exterior
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Visible on furniture
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Not suitable for all material types
  • Like a furniture guard, scratch tape takes the fun out of scratching a couch leg or the edge of a carpet. Of the two versions we tested, we found Sticky Paws was best at deterring scratching without causing unnecessary fear, pain, or discomfort. This tape is also recommended by Daniel "DQ" Quagliozzi, a cat behavior consultant and owner of Go Cat Go!

    Sticky Paws is a transparent, double-sided tape. One side adheres to upholstery, carpeting, and other household materials, while the other sticky side faces outward. When cats scratch, the tape briefly grips their nails and paws, preventing them from digging in. "Sticky tape is not too aversive for cats," Calder says. It may be unpleasant to scratch, but doing so doesn't cause pain or fear.

    Sticky Paws comes in different shapes and sizes, but our favorite was Sticky Paws On a Roll, which works like a packaging tape dispenser so you can easily cut the tape to size. Like the furniture guards, simply covering furniture won't teach your cat where they should scratch. Pair the tape with positive reinforcement and a scratching post to redirect the behavior effectively. After one of our cats got their paws on the tape just once, he chose not to focus any more energy on it, turning instead to nearby posts and pads.

    Sticky Paws scratch tape can be applied to places where other furniture protectors won't fit. Janelle Leeson/Business Insider

    Be aware that we encountered a few issues when using Sticky Paws. First, stuff sticks to it — dust and hair collected on the adhesive outer layer. Plus, it can be tricky to apply smoothly without wrinkles, and it's not safe to use on all surfaces. We learned the hard way when the tape not only left residue on a faux leather chair but also tore the material, especially in places where a cat had already made pinholes from stretching. While it didn't leave residue on an upholstered couch or finished wood, it's more temporary than a furniture guard, was more easily penetrated in our testing, and requires frequent replacement.

    Best scratching post On2Pets Skyline Scratching Post

    The On2Pets Skyline Sisal Cat Scratching Post has three poles and a wide, turf-covered base for vertical and horizontal scratching.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Three scratching posts of different heights
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Sisal-covered posts
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Broad base covered in scratchable artificial turf
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Holds up to 32 pounds
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Requires light assembly
  • When figuring out how to stop your cat from scratching furniture, the goal is not to punish them for their behavior but to redirect it. Every cat has their personal scratching preference. Suppose your cat is scratching vertically on your furniture. In that case, Quagliozzi says they will likely prefer a vertical scratcher. If they scratch carpets or rugs, a horizontal scratch pad is more likely to satisfy their desire. Some cats enjoy both. Whatever they like, Calder says it's important to have multiple scratchers.

    The Skyline Sisal Cat Scratching Post was the clear favorite of the seven vertical scratchers we tested in one household. During the first month of testing, both cats returned to the scratcher multiple times a day. Six months later, one cat was still scratching there daily.

    Our experts recommend a high-quality scratching post to give cats an appropriate spot to exercise their instincts. Shoshi Parks/Insider

    Resembling a city skyline, this scratcher has three sisal-covered vertical posts at heights of 30.5 inches, 22 inches, and 16.5 inches arranged together at the center of a broad rectangular base. The base is covered in scratchable artificial turf. After six months, the scratcher's sisal was a little shaggy but still looked nice overall.

    The sturdy scratcher can withstand up to 32 pounds of cat. It requires some light assembly and is priced in the middle of the pack. Considering how frequently our tester cats used it, it's well worth the cost.

    Best floor scratcher What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Reversible
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Modern design
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Larger size may not fit in smaller spaces
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Corrugated cardboard sheds over time
  • Some cats like to scratch vertically, others horizontally, and some a little of both. If you've found destruction on rugs, carpets, and couch cushions, your cat falls into one of the latter two categories, and providing them with a properly placed floor scratcher may solve your problem.

    We tested five floor scratchers and found the Petfusion Ultimate Cat Scratcher Lounge to be the best. Placer says kittens tend to prefer cardboard scratchers that are shaped like an "S". This scratcher takes that appeal a bit further, with a softer, elongated curve connecting its two rounded ends. It has vertical and horizontal scratching spots as well as an ergonomic spot to lounge.

    Our cats regularly engaged with this cleverly designed floor scratcher from Petfusion. Janelle Leeson/Business Insider

    This scratcher could be an excellent purchase for a new kitten or cat, helping prevent them from ever developing the habit of scratching your furniture or stopping the behavior early. When placed near where two of our tester cats often play, they loved digging their claws into it, stretching across the curve, and swatting at toy mice on the ground from their perched position. It's easy to imagine a kitten climbing and playing inside the center. It provides a multitude of enrichment for cats, which Placer says is key to deterring furniture scratching. "Destructive scratching can occur if your cat's needs have not been fully met," she says.

    The scratcher is reversible. When your cat claws through one side, you can flip it over for extended use. Our scratcher has shown some wear after two months of testing but is far from needing to be flipped over. While it slides around a bit on a smooth floor when a cat really gets clawing, it has never flipped over or shot across the room.

    This pick replaces our previous choice, the Our Pets Double-Wide Cat Scratcher, which remains a great budget-friendly option. If your cat prefers sisal over cardboard — or if you'd rather not deal with cleaning up cardboard bits — you might consider the Bootsie's Combination Scratcher.

    Best wall-mounted scratcher 7 Ruby Road Wall Mounted Cat Scratcher

    This wall-mounted scratcher lets cats get a full stretch, with a durable sisal surface and wood frame that withstands sharp claw after sharp claw and two mounting points that keep it securely in place.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Dual mounting points
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No-slip rubber feet
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Durable
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Light assembly required
  • "Cats who live outside scratch on trees — which are extremely sturdy, are the right height, and the perfect texture," Geller says. While we can't provide indoor cats with real trees, wall-mounted scratchers are just as sturdy and can be installed at the ideal height for your cat. Plus, they add more scratching options without taking up extra floor space.

    Out of the wall-mounted scratchers we tested, the 7 Ruby Road Wall Mounted Cat Scratcher was the clear winner for its dual mounting points and rubber feet, which prevent it from wobbling or coming loose from the wall. We also liked the look of it: the wooden frame is clean and refined, and it meshed well with our existing cat climbing wall. The durable jute surface held up well to wear during testing.

    The 7 Ruby Road Wall Scratcher can be installed in the best location for your cat. Janelle Leeson/Business Insider

    This scratcher requires light assembly using a drill. Screws and drywall anchors are included. At 22 inches long by 5.7 inches wide, the scratcher is a bit small. While you can adjust its height to fit your cat's needs, the limited surface area might mean quicker wear compared to larger scratchers.

    Best cat tree Armarkat Classic Cat Tree A6501

    With an affordable price point and loads of cat-friendly features, this tree offers a compact solution for cats to climb, play, scratch, nap, and hide.

    What we like
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Straightforward assembly
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Multiple enrichment features
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Suitable for multi-cat households
  • A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Accessible for all cats
  • What we don't like
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Only one color
  • Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Parts are nonreplaceable
  • Cat trees are an all-in-one solution that satisfies your cat's scratching needs while also providing spaces for playing, hiding, and resting. If you're unsure of your cat's preferences or have multiple cats, the Armarkat Classic Cat Tree features both horizontal faux fur and vertical sisal scratching surfaces.

    Placer recommends placing scratching posts and trees near where your cat is already scratching or in areas where you spend the most time. Our reporter chose to place the tree in her husband's office, where he spends most weekdays. The cats took to it right away, and we were equally impressed, which is why we named it our top pick in the guide to the best cat trees. After almost a year of use, it still looks great.

    The Armarkat Classic Cat Tree provides cats with multiple surfaces for scratching. Janelle Leeson/Insider

    Cats scratch throughout their lives, from kittenhood through their senior years. This tree is designed with a platform just 10.5 inches from the ground and five sisal-wrapped poles at its base — four of which offer almost 2 feet of uninterrupted vertical scratching space to help achieve a full-body stretch — making it easier for senior cats and kittens to access.

    With another four sisal-wrapped poles higher up, this tree is a hit with our 10- and 11-pound tester cats. They love kicking off their zoomies by clawing at the base and racing up the structure, digging into the sisal posts as they climb to the top bolstered bed or cozy tent hideaway. Despite their enthusiasm, the tree remains stable under their combined weight. It also includes a double-lined hammock for lounging.

    What to look for in products to stop cats from scratching furniture

    When cats scratch unwanted surfaces, Geller says many people use a combination of deterrents and redirection. Deterrents include sprays, sticky tapes, and guards, while redirection involves encouraging your cat to scratch appropriate surfaces using positive reinforcement.

    Cat-scratching deterrents

    Tape and vinyl guards are the most popular and effective types of deterrents. They prevent furniture scratching by creating a sticky surface or one that a cat's nails can't penetrate. Our experts say that cat scratching deterrent sprays do not help redirect furniture scratching.

    Here are a few key qualities to look for if you opt for deterrents.

    Versatility: The product should be suitable for the surfaces your cat scratches the most — whether it's your couch, carpet, or wooden door frames.

    Size: Cat deterrent tape comes in rolls, pre-cut strips, or large squares that you can cut to size. Vinyl guards typically come in sheets, with some that can be cut to size and others that cannot. In testing, we preferred rolls of cat deterrent tape and vinyl that could be cut to size with scissors, but you can choose the option that works best for the areas you're looking to protect.

    Ease of removal: Test the tape on a small, inconspicuous area to make sure it doesn't leave sticky residue or cause any damage. In our testing, cat deterrent tape left residue and damaged vinyl but came off clean from wood and upholstery. The small pins used to install our preferred vinyl guard, Clawguard Furniture Shield, didn't damage our upholstery, but they could leave marks on more delicate materials.

    Cat scratching products

    Cat trees, posts, and pads offer a permanent, appealing alternative to your couch. Here are the key features that will encourage your cat to use them and not your furniture.

    Material: Cat scratchers typically come in three materials: corrugated cardboard, carpet, and sisal. Sisal is the most durable and firm option while corrugated cardboard is the softest. One study published in Applied Animal Behaviour Science looked at the scratching preferences of 36 adult cats. Of the study cats, more favored rope and cardboard scratching surfaces over sofa fabric or carpet. However, each cat has their own preference for which material they enjoy sinking their claws into.

    Age may influence a cat's scratching preferences. "Senior cats may have less muscle mass than younger cats," Placer says. "This can make their claws more likely to get stuck in firmer materials." However, age isn't always a clear indicator of preference, so you may need to offer your cat a variety of scratching surfaces to determine what they like best.

    Orientation: Placer says most cats prefer scratching vertically, but some enjoy scratching horizontally, diagonally, or at an angle. You can figure out what and how your cat likes to scratch by observing what they target around your home. Cats use scratchers not only to maintain their nails and leave behind their scent but also to stretch, so Placer recommends choosing a scratching post that's taller than your cat's body length.

    You should also consider your cat's physical abilities. "Senior cats may need horizontal scratchers as they can easily sit or lay to scratch," says Turano, a veterinarian and veterinary spokesperson at Felix Cat Insurance. Meanwhile, agile kittens or cats may prefer vertical posts they can climb.

    Stability: Geller says cats love scratching couches because they're sturdy, textured, and close to their favorite humans. To encourage your cat to use a dedicated scratching surface instead, look for ones with rubber feet to keep it from sliding across the floor, multiple connection points to secure it to the wall, or a large or weighted base for added stability. Cats need a stable surface to really dig their claws in, and anything that's wobbly or bangs against the wall might frighten them.

    How we tested products to stop cats from scratching furniture

    To compare the products in each category of this guide, we devised the following tests.

    Scratch test: To determine how the furniture guards and scratch tape would hold up over time, we scratched them with three different tools: a fork, a push pin, and an X-acto knife. Each tool was dragged across the same section of the product 50 consecutive times to see if we could penetrate the material and how long it took to do so. To test the durability of scratchers, we dragged a metal-tined cat comb across the same section of the product 50 consecutive times, noting any wear and shedding of material.

    Penetration test: We used the same three tools in the penetration test. We conducted three trials with each tool as we attempted to make a hole through the material. First, we applied light pressure, then medium pressure, and finally, full strength.

    Cat attract test: We introduced each product to our tester cats, sprinkling with catnip when needed. We placed each in the locations they preferred to scratch and rotated them weekly, noting which scratchers they ignored, which they used occasionally, and which they returned to again and again.

    How to stop your cat from scratching furniture FAQs Why do cats scratch furniture?

    Scratching is a natural behavior for cats. "Scratching serves many functions for a cat, including a communication tool that leaves both scent and visual marks at a site, a way to clean and condition the claw beds, and a great way to stretch the muscles of the legs and toes," says Dr. Andrea Sanchez, a veterinarian and chief of staff at Banfield Pet Hospital in Vancouver, Washington. Cats who don't have easy access to scratching posts or horizontal scratch pads may turn their claws toward furniture and carpeting.

    How can I stop my cat from scratching my sofa?

    Owning a scratching post or pad isn't helpful if it's not where your cat likes to scratch. Cats need a variety of choices in various locations to be fully satisfie


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