India Making Strides in the Field of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy - Analytics Insight

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) that outperforms human capability in image recognition is expected to be applied in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopes. Hence, its research and development is being actively led. With the advancement of endoscopic diagnosis, there is a lack of experts who can perform high-precision endoscopy.

Artificial intelligence (AI), explicitly deep learning, offers the possibility to upgrade the field of GI endoscopy in areas from lesion detection and classification to quality metrics and documentation. Progress in this field will be estimated by whether AI usage can improve patient results and more proficient clinical workflow for GI endoscopists.

Artificial intelligence will change the field of gastroenterology, especially endoscopy and image interpretation. Fueled by cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, the utilization of computer vision in endoscopy can bring about better prediction and treatment outcomes for patients with gastroenterology disorders and cancer. Huge libraries of endoscopic pictures, “EndoNet,” will be critical to encouraging improvement and use of AI systems. The administrative climate for implementation of AI systems is developing, yet normal results, for example, colon polyp detection have been featured as potential clinical trial endpoints. Other edge results will be significant, as well as clarity on the iterative improvement of clinical systems.

The AIG Hospitals in Hyderabad and Satisfai Health in Canada have declared a collaboration to transform Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal (GI) Endoscopy with Artificial Intelligence (AI). The association offers both the teams a chance to accelerate the advancement of Satisfai’s inventive set-up of AI solutions over the range and to build up Satisfai Health and AIG Hospitals as worldwide pioneers in this space.

Under this, Satisfai Health has signed a data licensing and partnership agreement with AIG Hospitals to help drive its core goal of turning into the worldwide pioneer in giving AI solutions in gastroenterology and GI endoscopy.

Chairman and managing director of AIG Hospitals, D. Nageshwar Reddy believes that the most significant area where AI is applied is colonic polyps and colonic malignancy. He said early discovery and removal of polyps can prevent cancers.

Such development is happening for the first time in India that Artificial Intelligence will be utilized in gastroenterology and endoscopy.

Satisfai Health has just made striking progress in this space as a founding member of the ai-gi joint venture, through its licence and co-development agreement with Olympus Corporation of the Americas. This is in relation to applying artificial intelligence solutions to assist professionals with improving analyze colon polyps during screening for colorectal cancer.

“With AI, we can not just analyze more polyps missed by the human eye yet can define these polyps into those which are risky and which aren’t. Risky polyps can be taken out to prevent cancer from happening. We can really forestall cancers in enormous segments of populace utilizing AI,” said Dr Nageshwar during a virtual press conference.

He included that their hospitals and clinics perform around 700 distinct kinds of endoscopy systems daily. The big data will be fed into AI systems to deliver intelligent systems which would then be able to diagnose and help in early treatment.

Michael Byrne, CEO and founder of Satisfai Health stated, “This collaboration will significantly build our data pipeline and access to very high quality endoscopic and clinical data for our work in AI applications. This understanding cements our collaboration with the clinical pioneers and thought leaders at AIG.”

Gastroenterology is an ideal candidate for early adoption of AI. Artificial intelligence is quickly moving from an exploratory stage to a clinical implementation phase in gastroenterology. It is predicted that the deployment of AI in gastroenterology throughout the next decade will have a critical and positive effect on patient care and clinical workflows.

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