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Giant Sloths, Those Unhurried Ice Age Icons, Are The Stars Of Summer At The La Brea Tar Pits

What to Know
  • Summer of Sloths at the La Brea Tar Pits Museum opens on June 3
  • The chance to "touch a real sloth fossil" is one of the engaging activities on the Self-Guided Tour
  • Included with museum admission
  • We're often advised to "kick back," "chill out," or "slow down" when summer begins, as well as other reminders to savor the year's most golden stretch in an easygoing, unstressed sort of way.

    But the friends reminding us to de-stress know that this is an "easier said than done sort of situation": Being in go-hard mode is just a way of life for so many of us.

    Still, we can find inspiration in an animal that is well-known and well-loved for its syrup-like movement: the sloth.

    Viewing a real modern-era sloth can be done by calling upon Sid, the beloved two-toed sloth of Sylmar — the furry favorite resides at the Wildlife Learning Center — but you may also want to take it back, way back, to the giant sloths of the Ice Age.

    That's where the La Brea Tar Pits Museum can help our sloth-directed curiosities. You may already know that the Miracle Mile destination is very sloth-centric — the giant sloth statues in Hancock Park, near the museum, are major signs of this focus — but when summer arrives, things get even slothier around the world-famous Ice Age dig site.

    It is, in fact, the "Summer of Sloths" at the museum, or will be beginning June 3.

    The Scene

    Want to find new things to do in Los Angeles? The Scene's lifestyle stories have you covered. Here's your go-to source on where the fun is across SoCal and for the weekend.

    The museum has celebrated the "Summer of Sloths" in past years by putting the spotlight on these fascinating, long-gone behemoths. These are the ancient giants we're talking about, of course, not the contemporary critters we recognize as the sloths of today.

    The "Summer of Sloths" fun, which is included with museum admission, includes a Self-Guided Tour, one that gives visitors the chance to "touch a real sloth fossil."


    There's a guided tour, too, if you'd like a museum educator to illuminate the incredible world of Ice Age sloth-a-tude.

    And if you head just outside the museum to Pits 3, 4, 61/67? You can enjoy the awesome opportunity "...To bring a digital Shasta ground sloth back to Hancock Park."

    "Weighing in at around half a ton, these were one of the smaller ground sloth species."

    Did we mean "awesome" or "slothsome"? Or perhaps "awesomely slothsome"?

    For more on the "Summer of Sloths" at the mid-city wonderland of paleontology, head slooowly — well maybe not too slowly — over to this site.

    Humans Once Hunted And Butchered Giant Ground Sloths In South America, 12,600-year-old Bones Reveal

    sloth excavation

    Gustavo Politis and Pablo Messineo

    The giant ground sloth bones at Campo Laborde.

  • For the first time ever, scientists have found a site where humans killed and butchered a giant sloth.
  • Humans hunted the giant ground sloth 12,600 years ago in what is now the Pampas region of Argentina.
  • A new study about the finding dispels previous misconceptions about how long giant ground sloths and humans co-existed before Homo sapiens hunted these creatures to extinction.
  • Humans arrived in South America roughly 14,500 years ago, where they routinely hunted giant ground sloths, mastadons, and giant armadillo relatives called glyptodons.
  • Nearly 12,600 years ago, during the Late Pleistocene era, a group of humans hunted and killed a giant ground sloth in Argentina, then left the animal's bones behind, along with their butchering knife.

    The giant sloth's bones remained there, at a site called Campo Laborde in the Pampas region, until 2000, when a local farmer discovered them. Scientists recently re-analyzed these fossils in the hopes of better pinpointing when, precisely, this killing took place.

    The sloth that these ancient humans ate, whose scientific name is Megatherium americanum, was 10 feet tall and weighed more than 4 tons. It stood on two feet and was covered in shaggy hair.

    Although archaeologists know that humans once preyed on megamammals across the Americas, the Campo Laborde finding is the "only confirmed ground sloth kill" ever, according to the new study.

    giant sloth

    Gustavo Politis and Pablo Messineo

    A piece of the knife, or lithic tool, that humans used to kill the giant sloth at Campo Laborde.

    The findings also revealed that, contrary to what scientists previously thought, giant ground sloths went extinct during the end of the Late Pleistocene, some 12,000 years ago. At that time, up to 90% of all large-bodied animals across the world - including mastadons, prehistoric horses, and ancient giant armadillos - went extinct on every continent except Africa.

    Researchers previously thought giant ground sloths were able to survive this wave of extinction, but the new discovery bucks that idea.

    Instead, it seems Homo sapiens may have been one of the main reasons these large animals died out.

    Re-writing the giant sloth story

    After the sloth bones were found in 2000, archaeologists examined the fossils and determined that they were between 9,700 and 6,750 years old, based on carbon dating.

    "In that case, we suspected that maybe these early hunters didn't have an impact on the sloth's extinction," Gustavo Politis, an archaeologist from the Universidad Nacional del Centro in Buenos Aires and the lead author of the new study, told Business Insider.

    But then in 2016 and 2017, Politis and his team re-dated the bones using a more sophisticated purification technology called XAD-2 resin, which separates the organic part of bones (collagen) from the inorganic elements (fulvic acids), then dates each component separately.

    The results led the scientists to revise their timeline: The bones were at least 1,000 years older than they had originally thought, putting this killing site firmly in the Pleistocene era.

    giant sloth illustration

    Julie McMahon, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    This extinct giant sloth could grow to more than 13 feet in height.

    Politis said the implications of the date change are huge. It means that the time span between the arrival of humans and the extinction of the megamammals in this region of South America was only 2,000 years. In other words, our ancestors managed to push these giant ground sloths to extinction in just two millennia.

    Read More: Divers found fossils of an ancient giant sloth hidden in a sinkhole. The creature was 20 feet long.

    The new results have also made Politis suspect that other giant sloth fossil sites have been dated incorrectly.

    Homo sapiens were the new predators on the scene

    Although giant sloth fossils are plentiful across South America, Campo Laborde is "the only place in the entire Americas where we can see the animal was hunted and killed there," Politis said.

    The archaeologists found evidence, including a broken piece of knife and other stone tools, that humans clearly hunted and butchered the animal. According to Politis, the team could even tell that the knife these hunters used to cut the meat had been sharpened, broken, and thrown away.

    "They removed the most valuable meat, then abandoned the carcass and left," Politis said.

    The tools that his team found around the dead ground sloth were between 11,800 and 10,000 years old, further confirming the site's earlier date.

    An artist's reconstruction, based on recently discovered footprints, of prehistoric humans in present-day New Mexico hunting a giant ground sloth.

    Alex McClelland / Bournemouth University

    An artist's reconstruction, based on recently discovered footprints, of prehistoric humans in present-day New Mexico hunting a giant ground sloth.

    After humans arrived in South America 14,500 years ago, they made quick work of many megamammals that lived on the continent. Homo sapiens also hunted mastadons and giant armadillo relatives called glyptodons.

    If this new butchering date is correct, it's likely that ancient humans contributed to those animals' rapid extinction, as well as that of the giant sloth, Politis said.

    "This is a window into the past," he said. "We can reconstruct, in some ways, the actions that people performed 12,600 years ago."

    Sloths, The World's Slowest Mammal, Turn Survival Of The Fittest Upside Down

    This is an updated version of a story first published on Sept. 24, 2023. The original video can be viewed here.

    The stopwatch has long been the symbol of 60 Minutes. But any measure of time is pointless for the subject of our next story: the slow-moving sloth. You might think these distant relatives of the armadillo would make the perfect meal for just about anything faster. And yet, somehow, sloths have been hanging on in one form or another for 64 million years. To understand this quirky animal, 60 Minutes hung out with a quirky zoologist. Lucy Cooke has been documenting the strange lives of sloths for 15 years. Cooke was Sharyn Alfonsi's guide on a trip to Costa Rica, where as we first reported in September, scientists are making new discoveries about a creature that's turned "survival of the fittest" upside down.Lucy Cooke: This is an area where there are lots of sloths so we do have that on our side.

    The first thing we learned about sloths is that it's hard to spot them in the wild. We were warned to keep our eyes on the ground for poisonous snakes…as Lucy Cooke scanned the treetops. The sloth is a master of disguise. It blends into the canopy and can easily be mistaken for a tuft of leaves.

    Lucy Cooke: They tend to hunker down when it rains…so making it even harder to see them...

    Our luck improved on the beach.

    Lucy Cooke: Oh-oh! There's one up there. She--she's in the nook of the tree looking a bit like a termite hump. And she's hunched over, so what we're looking at is her back.

    Sharyn Alfonsi and Lucy Cooke look for sloths Sharyn Alfonsi and Lucy Cooke look for sloths in Costa Rica. 60 Minutes

    That is not the side of the sloth we went all the way to Central America to see. So Lucy Cooke took us to an animal sanctuary to get a better view of the two species of sloth that live here: the bradypus...And the two toed… 

    Lucy Cooke: So the two-toed I always say looks like a cross between a Wookiee and a pig. (laughs) 'Cause they've got that sort of beep-able nose. And then these ones have the sort of, you know, Beatles haircuts and-- and Mona Lisa smiles. 

    Behind that ringer for Ringo, Cooke says, is a secret. Being nature's couch potato is the reason sloths have survived for more than 60 million years in spite, of, well, themselves.

    Their eyesight is lousy - their hearing not much better. 

    In a tree they can move like a tai chi master…to avoid the eyes of hungry birds of prey.

    But on the ground, Cooke says gravity removes any shred of dignity. Even with a hurricane strength tailwind, a sloth will top out at a half mile per hour. 

    Lucy Cooke: the first people that described the sloths, the conquistadors that first observed them, they said terrible things. One said it was the stupidest animal that he'd ever seen. And another said one more defect would-- make its life impossible. And (laughs) they just-- they just didn't understand them, you know?

    Cooke says what those early explorers didn't understand…and what is frankly hard to believe when you watch the effort it takes for a sloth just to blink…is that this hairy ninja is uniquely built to survive. 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Why so slow? Why do they move so slow?

    Sloth  Sloths spend most of their time in trees.  60 Minutes

    Lucy Cooke: Because they're saving energy. They're vegetarians. And leaves don't want to be eaten any more than antelope do, right? So they create a lot of toxins. So the sloth can digest those toxins, but only very, very slowly. They don't want to process them fast. And so they're all about burning as little energy as possible.

    Sloths spend about 90% of their lives hanging upside down and typically only climb to the ground for bathroom breaks…once a week. With habits like that and nails like this… you can understand why they are solitary creatures…and prefer to be alone…until they don't. 

    Lucy Cooke: What they do is the females will climb to the top of a tree when they're in heat and scream for sex.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: OK. (laughs) So really low key.

    Lucy Cooke: Really low key. But they scream in D sharp. Like, that's the-- the-- they make this-- and I'll do it. And I-- he may well on the strength of my impersonation. Let's see if Teddy, who's a boy, looks around--

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Swipes right—

    Lucy Cooke: --yeah, (laughs) exactly. Let's just see if he g-- OK, I'm gonna (screams) "Whee!" (laughs)

    Lucy Cooke: I have actually seen Bradypuses having sex. It's the only thing they do quickly. I mean it was - I was shocked but then afterwards both male and female retreated and had the deepest snooze. 

    Behind Lucy Cooke's cheeky sense of humor is a hefty resume. She has a master's degree from Oxford and published four books...Including two on sloths. She's also hosted wildlife programs for the BBC and National Geographic. The photos Cooke takes on her expeditions have gone viral…leading to donations for conservation and crowds at lectures that mix biology with stand-up.

    Lucy Cooke (during a Ted Talk): We humans are obsessed with speed. We idolize animals like the cheetah capable of doing naught to 60 in three seconds flat, well so what? 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Are they cute, or are they so ugly they're cute?

    Lucy Cooke: Oh no. They're cute surely. But then, I mean, I think a naked mole rat's cute, so you're asking the wrong person. (laughs)

    A sloth in Costa Rica A sloth in Costa Rica 60 Minutes

    Sharyn Alfonsi: You like a B-list animal.

    Lucy Cooke: Yeah bats, hyenas. I mean, is the-- there's a whole list of-- of animals that I think, you know, just have extraordinar-- arily strange and wonderful lives. And-- and just to me just add to the richness of-- of the universe.

    Just look how one of those B-list animals can leave Lucy Cooke starstruck.

    Lucy Cooke: You guys have got to see this!

    As we were making our way through the Costa Rican rainforest, Cooke noticed this. What looks like fluffy golf balls, she realized… was a cluster of something we'd never heard of…the elusive…Caribbean white tent-making bats. 

    Lucy Cooke: Look they're-they're bats but they're white and they and they live in these leaves. My heart rate is going up…I'm gonna start pouring in sweat and I might start crying actually because its just so…I mean it's just a miracle of evolution. I mean it's just why? Like why? 

    That sense of wonder has made Lucy Cooke a compelling advocate for sloths. Like them, she looks at the world from a different point of view.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Your latest book is called?

    Lucy Cooke: "Bitch." On the-- (laughs) I do apologize. I really like you and your work, but yeah, my book's called "Bitch." (laughs)

    In it, Cooke challenges the narrative that in the animal kingdom, males are usually dominant and promiscuous while females are submissive and monogamous. She traveled the world to collaborate with scientists and studied dozens of animals. Reporting how killer whale pods are led by post menopausal orcas and how tyrannical matriarchs control meerkat society. Her re-examination flips parts of Charles Darwin's theories upside down. 

    Lucy Cooke: Charles Darwin's a hero of mine. I studied evolutionary biology. But he was a Victorian man. And so when he came to brand the female of the species, she came out in the shape of a Victorian housewife. Passive, coy, chaste. You know we were sort of-- a feminine footnote to the macho main event basically.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: I can hear people saying, "Is this biological wokeness?"

    Lucy Cooke: Well, it would be if it wasn't true. You just have to ask the hyena, for example, the-- the female spotted hyena if she's passive and coy, and she'll laugh in your face after she's bitten it off, you know, it's like… (laughs)

    Challenging conventional wisdom is a large part of Lucy Cooke's crusade to improve the reputation of sloths. 

    But there is a more somber kind of rehabilitation she wanted to show us. This is the Toucan Rescue Ranch near Costa Rica's capital Can Jose. They care for sloths nearly killed by power lines. 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: How are the sloths injured?

    Lesley Howle: So most of the time, it's through electrocution, where it'll just look like-- this straight vine, you know, going through the forest. And so they'll grab a hold of that and then become electrocuted. 

    Lesley Howle was an occupational therapist who started the ranch 19 years ago. Now she has a team of six veterinarians to treat the electrical burns. Millions of years of evolution could not prepare the sloths for human sprawl. But the vets told us they believe the sloths slow metabolism somehow allows them to recover from injuries that might kill other creatures. The Toucan Rescue Ranch also takes in orphans.

    Lesley Howle: This is little Gio. 

    Lesley Howle: And um - this is Marilyn. 

    Lesley Howle: And then we have Landon here.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Oh, he's a toddler--

    Lesley Howle: And-- he's a toddler. 

    Lesley Howle: And this is our tiniest, little Benji. 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: OK, now my ovaries have cracked. (laughs) 

    It can take up to two years for the orphans to be ready to go back into the wild. We watched as a female named Nosara was prepared for release. She was given a final checkup and a tracking collar before getting a lift to a promising tree.

    Lucy Cooke: Off she goes.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: And if she falls asleep in the middle of the release, (laughs) is that a bad thing?

    Lesley Howle: There she goes. 

    Voices: Oh. Ooh.

    Lucy Cooke: That's a scary moment isn't it?

    Voices: Oh. Phew.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Mission impossible has nothing on this, like… 

    With that high drama behind us, we headed down the Caribbean coast with Lucy Cooke to visit another British scientist.

    Becky Cliffe is conducting the first population study of sloths, ever. That might seem like low hanging fruit… it is not.

    Sharyn Alfonsi and Becky Cliffe talk sloths Zoologist Becky Cliffe, right, told Sharyn Alfonsi about the population study she's doing of sloths.  60 Minutes

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Why is it so hard to get scientific data on sloths?

    Becky Cliffe: They've evolved over the last 64 million years to be masters of disguise, right? They are so good at pretending to be coconuts and bird nests, then they're hiding from the very people who are trying to-- trying to help them.

    Neither of the sloth species in Costa Rica is officially considered endangered. But Cliffe says her staff is suddenly seeing fewer sloths and some are suffering from an illness she suspects may be related to climate change.

    Becky Cliffe: We're getting extreme periods of hot dry weather, and then extreme periods-- of prolonged cold and rain. And that is not what sloths have evolved to survive in. What we're discovering is that the microbes in the sloth's stomach that they use to digest the leaves they eat, when the sloth gets too cold, those microbes die. So even though the sloth might be eating and looking well, it's not digesting its food properly. So they're losing energy and they're getting very weak.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: It sounds like they're starving to death but with a full stomach.

    Becky Cliffe: That's exactly it. It's a really strange phenomenon that I think only happens in sloths. But it's happening here.

    For Cliffe to collect data – she has to collect sloths. That's the full time job for her colleague, Dayber Leon. He climbed barefoot up a three-story high tree covered in biting ants, snatching the sloth, then lowering it in a bag. 

    Lucy Cooke: Come on little one. Hi 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: That's impressive. So do you have to do that every time you want to get a sloth down?

    Lucy Cooke: And this is easy, yeah. (laughs)

    The stuffed sloth she is holding is not a gimmick. It was used to comfort the real one, as we helped replace a memory chip in a tiny backpack the sloth wears.

    Sloth Researchers in Costa Rica are giving sloths "backpacks" so they can track the animal and learn more about them. 60 Minutes

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Oh, you're very strong

    Becky Cliffe: Very strong. And then lean her back a little bit. Come on, sweetie.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: Gosh, this is like dressing a baby.

    Lucy Cooke: Done. Wam-bam.

    Sharyn Alfonsi: What kind of information does this give you?

    Becky Cliffe: We collect a lot of-- manual data, in terms of what type of tree she's in, how high in the tree she is. There's also a data logger inside here, which collects a lot of information about her behavior. So even her micro body movements are being recorded inside there.

    Lucy Cooke: Here we go. Yeah, that's a girl.

    Thirty two sloths will get backpacks and be returned, slowly, to the wild. Lucy Cooke told us she hopes this study will provide a deeper understanding of an animal we can be too quick to judge. 

    Sharyn Alfonsi: What can we learn from the sloth?

    Lucy Cooke: We can learn how to be more slow and sustainable ourselves, because we need to. You know, we're destroying this planet at-- an alarming rate. And part of that is because of our addiction to speed and convenience, so if we took a few carefully, slowly, digested leaves out of the sloth's book, you know, we might save this beautiful planet and all of the amazing creatures that live on it.

    Produced by Guy Campanile. Associate producer, Lucy Hatcher. Broadcast associate, Elizabeth Germino. Edited by Craig Crawford.

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