It's National Dog Day! Check out Montana's Most Popular Breeds

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15 Best Dogs For First-Time Owners

Becoming a first-time dog parent is a truly rewarding experience. You're gaining a new loyal dog as a best friend and have a wonderful adventure ahead of you. That said, we'd be remiss if we didn't acknowledge that learning the ropes of pup parenthood can come with some curveballs. From basic obedience training early on and puppy-proofing your home to patiently tackling the delights of potty training, there is a lot to consider with dog ownership. Fortunately, certain dog breeds can make it easier on you. The best dogs for first-time owners tend to be lower-maintenance, easier to train and mesh well with families.

"When you are thinking about getting a dog for the first time, the first thing to ask yourself is what you envision your life with a dog looking like," says Marissa Sunny, a canine behavior specialist at Pasadena Humane. "If you want a dog to get you out of the house and go running with, then a high-energy working breed may be for you! If you are looking for a Netflix buddy, then an adult or senior dog may be for you."

Whether you're considering the most popular dog breeds or lesser-known pups available for adoption, there's a lot to mull over as a first-time dog owner. To help you determine the best first dog for you, we spoke to two canine behavior specialists and a longtime veterinarian. Ahead, you'll find the best dogs for first-time owners, according to the dog experts themselves.

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About the experts
  • Marissa Sunny, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, is a canine behavior specialist. After working with Best Friends Animal Society for four years, she now works with Pasadena Humane, where she serves as the Animal Resource Center manager.
  • Caroline Coile, PhD, is an award-winning journalist specializing in canine breeds, health and science. She's the author of 34 books, including Barron's Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds.
  • Bradley Phifer, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KSA, is the executive director of the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers. A dog trainer and behavior consultant with nearly 20 years of experience, he has successfully trained dogs of all breed types and temperaments. He's also the founder of Bradley Phifer Dog Training in Indianapolis.
  • Nicole Savageau, DVM, is a veterinarian with The Vets, a national mobile pet care service. With nearly 15 years of experience, she's also worked with the Preston Animal Hospital in Morrisville, North Carolina, as well as the North Austin Animal Hospital in Texas, where she served in both medical and surgical capacities.
  • 1. Bichon frise

    Smiling bichon frise dog near a lake熊文/Getty Images

    Known for its loving and playful personality, the bichon frise is an intelligent and charming lapdog who befriends just about everyone they meet. They are one of the best dogs for first-time parents because they're typically easier to train and are great with kids.

    Another perk, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC), is that their fluffy white coat is considered hypoallergenic and they don't shed much. They do need to be bathed about once a month and benefit from daily combing. A visit to the groomer every four to six weeks can also help keep them looking great. One caveat: The bichon is notorious for being hard to house break, according to Caroline Coile, PhD, an award-winning journalist specializing in canine breeds. "If you have priceless oriental rugs, this may not be the breed for you!" she says.

    Breed overview Height: 9.5 to 11.5 inches Weight: 12 to 18 pounds Life expectancy: 14 to 15 years Ease of care: 4/5 2. Golden retriever

    two golden retrievers standing together outside© copyright 2011 Sharleen Chao/Getty Images

    Arguably one of the best dogs for first-time owners, the golden retriever is one of America's most beloved canines for good reason. According to Nicole Savageau, DVM, veterinarian with The Vets, a national mobile pet care service, this lovable pup is exceptionally friendly, gentle in nature and devoted to its owners. As a bonus, goldens are also known for being obedient and easy to train, so teaching them to fetch, sit and stay is likely to be a breeze—this is one of the reasons many service dogs are golden retrievers. Perhaps most important though is their gregarious and outgoing personalities, which make them fantastic as first-time family dogs.

    "This breed is intelligent, friendly, loyal and good with families," Dr. Savageau says. "Plus, they have a moderate energy level and are relatively easy to train." Do note that this breed benefits from a good brushing once a week—and perhaps more during their twice-annual shedding spree.

    Breed overview Height: 24 inches Weight: 55 to 75 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years Ease of care: 5/5 3. Papillon

    Papillon Gettyimages 164642730 SseditCAPTURELIGHT/GETTY IMAGES

    The papillon, which means butterfly in French, is a wee-sized pup weighing up to 10 pounds. They are an affectionate dog breed, says Dr. Savageau, and they also get along well with children. Although very small, this toy breed is surprisingly athletic and spritely and benefits greatly from playtime. This is the most successful toy breed in the sports of obedience and agility, as they are active and biddable.

    "I would describe this breed as intelligent, friendly and active," Dr. Savageau says. "They have a high energy level and require mental stimulation. However, training can be a bit challenging due to their independent nature." This just means you'll need to be more proactive and remain consistent in your training. Bringing in some outside help via a dog trainer can also be advantageous.

    Another potential drawback for this breed is that they're not too keen on hanging out with other animals. However, they are surprisingly easy to groom thanks to their lack of an undercoat. A good bath every month and a weekly grooming session are all they need.

    Breed overview Height: 8 to 11 inches Weight: 5 to 10 pounds Life expectancy: 14 to 16 years Ease of care: 4/5 4. Labrador retriever

    Side View Of Yellow Labrador Retriever On FieldTara Gregg/Getty Images

    The Labrador retriever is another one of America's most popular dog breeds. They are most noted for their outgoing personality and friendly demeanor, and they are also one of the best-behaved dog breeds. "Known for their affectionate nature and ease of training, labs are ideal for active families seeking a hearty and loving companion," Phifer says.

    These playful, easy-going pups—which come in chocolate, black and yellow—are very sociable. This allows not only for easy bonding with the entire family but with other animals too. Because they love to make their owners happy, labs are also easily trainable, making them one of the best dogs for first-time owners. They are very strong and strong-willed, which can make them hard to control as youngsters; once grown though, they are incredible companions. Plus, occasional baths and brushing are all this dog needs to keep it looking its best.

    Breed overview Height: 24 inches Weight: 55 to 80 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years Ease of care: 5/5 4. Cavalier King Charles spaniel

    Two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs outdoors in natureBigandt_Photography/Getty Images

    A sweet combination of a small toy breed and spaniel, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel is a gentle, graceful, athletic and high-spirited pup. They make our list of the best first dogs for new owners because of their adaptability and smarts, which make them both easy to get along with and train.

    "With their friendly disposition and adaptability, Cavaliers are excellent companions for various households, especially those with children," Phifer says. These unfailingly sweet pups are also keen on pleasing their humans, making them excellent for a range of owners, including couples, families, seniors and individuals.

    A bonus is that this breed is known for being effective therapy dogs. According to the AKC, they do require a little more grooming than other pups on our list and need daily brushing, weekly ear checks and monthly nail trims. They can have some hereditary health problems that may cut their lifespan short, says Coile, so be sure to work with a breeder who health tests their dogs.

    Breed overview Height: 12 to 13 inches Weight: 13 to 18 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years Ease of care: 4/5 6. German shepherd dog

    german shepherd dog sitting in grass and holding a tennis ball in mouthStefan Cioata/Getty Images

    The noble German shepherd is an excellent dog for first-time owners for many reasons. For starters, they are exceptionally smart pups that are easy to train, which is one reason why they are utilized in K-9 units.

    Dr. Savageau says they are gentle with their owners and unfailingly loyal—and to that end, they serve as great guard dogs. "They are protective, loyal and can be intimidating. Their intelligence and trainability make them suitable for guard and protection work," she says. A big bonus is that German shepherds are easy to groom. The AKC says they benefit from brushing a few times a week to remove loose hairs and that they only need occasional baths.

    Breed overview Height: 22 to 26 inches Weight: 50 to 90 pounds Life expectancy: 7 to 10 years Ease of care: 5/5 7. Poodle

    standard Poodle laying in grassTopDigiPro/Getty Images

    Recognized for their fluffy, pillow-like hypoallergenic coats, the poodle is a notably smart and athletic family companion, says Dr. Savageau. Because of these positive qualities, poodles have been bred with many other breeds to get designer breeds, including the labradoodle, golden doodle and cockapoo. "Intelligent, trainable and hypoallergenic, poodles have a moderate energy level and are often good with families," Dr. Savageau says.

    Do note that as puppies, poodles can be high-energy, so they'll need to be able to run off that steam. They also may require more persistent training (possibly with the help of professional dog trainers), and they do require daily brushing. Dr. Savageau says it's also very important to have them professionally groomed about once every month or two to combat matting and keep their coats lustrous.

    Breed overview Height: 18 to 24 inches Weight: 45 to 70 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years Ease of care: 4/5 8. Pembroke Welsh corgi

    Happy and active purebred Welsh Corgi dog outdoors in the park on a sunny summer day.Ирина Мещерякова/Getty Images

    The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a friendly homebody and an incredibly calm dog breed that is happiest around its people, making it one of the best dogs for first-time owners. With its short and stumpy legs, fluffy behind and incredible sense of companionship, the corgi has been the go-to dog of the English royals. In fact, Queen Elizabeth raised more than 30!

    According to the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, these are sensitive and intelligent dogs that are highly skilled at tracking and—even with their short legs—surprisingly athletic. Bonus for new pup parents: They are known for being highly obedient.

    Breed overview Height: 10 to 12 inches Weight: Up to 30 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 13 years Ease of care: 4/5 9. Yorkshire terrier yorkshire terrier sitting on grass outsideanouchka/Getty Images

    A truly petite-sized pup, the adorable Yorkie is a tiny terrier that weighs about 7 to 8 pounds. Although tiny, they do have major personalities! This breed has a reputation for being brave, tenacious and sprightly. They are also exceptionally friendly.

    "Alert and trainable, Yorkies serve as effective alarm systems and are low-shedding but require regular grooming to maintain their coat," says Phifer. In fact, the breed's long, low-allergen coat mimics human hair more than dog fur, making them one of the more popular dogs for those who deal with pet allergies. The trade-off is that their long hair does require daily brushing, weekly bathing and regular professional grooming.

    Breed overview Height: 7 to 8 inches Weight: 8 pounds Life expectancy: 11 to 15 years Ease of care: 3/5 10. Pugs

    close up portrait of a pug dog© Jackie Bale/Getty Images

    Survey any pug owner and they'll likely be quick to tell you that this breed is one of the best family companions out there. The adaptable pug gets along with basically everyone, including kids, seniors and other animals, and thrives in both the city and country. Pugs also enjoy making their owners happy, which helps make training them a breeze. Another bonus: Their coat is considered low maintenance and only needs weekly brushing to control light shedding. Keep in mind that if you like a hot-weather dog or a jogging companion, the pug isn't a good choice as they overheat easily.

    Breed overview Height: 10 to 13 inches Weight: 14 to 18 pounds Life expectancy: 13 to 15 years Ease of care: 5/5 11. Whippet

    whippet dog standing outside in fieldBiancaGrueneberg/Getty Images

    Don't confuse the whippet for a greyhound! Although they do look similar, the whippet is its own breed (and actually quite a bit smaller). This lean and elegant pup is a lightning-quick runner that enjoys having a good chase in the backyard every once in a while.

    "Despite their speed, whippets have moderate exercise needs and are affectionate couch potatoes, making them suitable for relaxed households," Phifer says. That said, as long as it's getting plenty of exercise, this breed can fare well in an apartment or a house with a yard. Another perk is that these pups barely bark.

    Their short coat is very easy to care for and only requires weekly brushing and occasional baths. While smart, the whippet has a bit of a mischievous personality that can be a little tricky to reign in when training.

    Breed overview Height: 19 to 21 inches Weight: 25 to 40 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years Ease of care: 4/5 12. Great Dane

    Great Dane Gettyimages 179050736 SseditRALFWEIGEL/GETTY IMAGES

    Don't be intimidated by the Great Dane's mighty stature; this pup is a true gentle giant. This sweet-natured, patient, ultra-friendly dog bonds with its family quickly and remains loyal through and through—they're even great with children. However gentle, the Great Dane also makes for a courageous and vigilant watchdog as well. Regarding training, this breed does benefit from professional obedience training in order to harness its full potential. They also should be brushed weekly, bathed occasionally and have their nails trimmed monthly.

    Breed overview Height: 28 to 30 inches Weight: 110 to 175 pounds Life expectancy: 7 to 10 years Ease of care: 3/5 13. Irish setter

    Irish Setter Gettyimages 1393679082 SseditEDGAR G.BIEHLE/GETTY IMAGES

    If you're in the market for a lovable, friendly pup that's perhaps not quite as well-known as other breeds, the Irish setter might be your match. These sweet dogs get along and bond quickly with everyone they meet, including kids, adults, seniors and other animals. They do tend to be a bit on the rambunctious side, so a playful and active setting is ideal. They are also eager to please and respond well to patient training, notes the AKC. Moderate grooming is required, including twice-weekly brushing, monthly nail trims and occasional baths.

    Breed overview Height: 25 to 27 inches Weight: 60 to 70 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years Ease of care: 4/5 14. Bernese mountain dog

    happy Bernese Mountain DogJill Lehmann Photography/Getty Images

    The powerful and sweet-natured Bernese mountain dog is a family companion that will bring joy to any home. They're on our list of the best dogs for beginners because they are easy to train, exceptionally patient with everyone (including kiddos) and get along easily with many personalities and even other animals. Their big size can be intimidating, but they're softies who love to stick close to their humans. In fact, they can be a little shy! Frequent shedding is an issue with this breed, and they require a good brushing two to three times a week.

    Breed overview Height: 23 to 27.5 inches Weight: 70 to 115 pounds Life expectancy: 7 to 10 years Ease of care: 4/5 15. Schipperke Schipperke looks back.volofin/Getty Images.

    Also called schips, this dog is absolutely lovey-dovey when it comes to showing affection for its family, says the AKC. Schipperkes, named the little captain of Belgium after becoming popular on barges, are small dogs built for hard work. They are independent and do have an instinctive nature to explore, so they should to be trained to come when called as early as possible. But with appropriate training, this fox-like watchdog is eager to please and can learn almost anything, making it one of best dogs for first-time owners.

    Breed Overview Height: 10 to 12 inches Weight: 10 to 16 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 16 years Ease of care: 4/5 FAQs What should you consider before becoming a first-time dog owner?

    Before getting a dog for the first time, Dr. Savageau says to ask yourself why you want a pet in the first place and whether you're prepared for a potentially 10-plus year commitment that comes with monthly expenses. "Consider your motivations and whether you are ready for the responsibilities of pet ownership," she says. "Also, assess your lifestyle, living situation and preferences to choose a compatible pet. Finally, consider how a pet fits into your long-term plans and any potential changes in your life."

    What dog breeds should first-time owners avoid?

    Ultimately, Phifer says that the best fit for a first-time dog owner will depend on individual preferences, lifestyle and circumstances. However, some breeds are known for being difficult to train, including chow chows, beagles, huskies, basset hounds, dachsunds, Chihuahuas and bulldogs.

    "You must remember that individual temperament and training can vary within the breed, so prospective owners should still research and meet individual dogs before deciding," Phifer says. "Additionally, seeking guidance from reputable breeders, rescue organizations or a certified professional dog trainer can help ensure a successful match between owner and dog."

    Why trust us

    At Reader's Digest, we're committed to producing high-quality content by writers with expertise and experience in their field in consultation with relevant, qualified experts. For this piece, Wendy Rose Gould tapped her experience as a writer covering pets, and then Caroline Coile, PhD, an award-winning journalist specializing in canine breeds, health and science, gave it a rigorous review to ensure that all information is accurate and offers the best possible advice to readers. We verify all facts and data, back them with credible sourcing and revisit them over time to ensure they remain accurate and up to date. Read more about our team, our contributors and our editorial policies.


  • Bradley Phifer, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KSA, executive director of the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers; email interview, Feb. 8, 2024
  • Marissa Sunny, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA, dog trainer and canine behavior specialist at Pasadena Humane; email interview, June 15, 2021
  • Nicole Savageau, DVM, veterinarian with The Vets, a national mobile pet care service; email interview, Feb. 1, 2024

  • 15 Rugged Mountain Dog Breeds That Love Adventures

    With their majestic manes, rugged good looks and rich histories, it's hard not to instantly feel drawn to mountain dog breeds. Originating from all corners of the earth, these incredible canines have become some of the most popular dog breeds today. They come in a multitude of coat colors and sizes, and while some make excellent family companions or guard dogs, others are known for their athletic prowess and herding abilities. What they do have in common, though, is that their history can be traced back to mountainous regions in Portugal, Germany, Austria, Russia and beyond, and many continue to serve as working dogs in their own rugged locales.

    For more insight on the most popular mountain dog breeds, we spoke with two experts on the topic: Dayna L. Dreger, PhD, who works on the Dog Genome Project for the National Institutes of Health, and Ambika Vaid, DVM, an integrative veterinarian at the Holistic Veterinary Care and Rehabilitation Center in Oakland, Calif. Ahead, we've rounded up the best rugged mountain dogs breeds.

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    About the experts
  • Dayna L. Dreger, PhD, is a staff scientist at the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health. Her work is focused on the Dog Genome Project, where she studies canine genetics, breed population structure and development, morphology and coat color.
  • Ambika Vaid, DVM, is an integrative veterinarian at the Holistic Veterinary Care and Rehabilitation Center in Oakland, Calif. She's also the veterinarian advisor to Badlands Ranch.
  • What are mountain dog breeds?

    Technically speaking, mountain dogs aren't considered a separate breed group recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), Dreger says. "They are mostly split into the AKC Working and Herding groups," she says. "They are termed mountain dogs due to their origin and use throughout mountain ranges."

    The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the world's largest dog organization, does have a separate group for Swiss mountain dogs, cattle dogs and mountain dogs (which it labels Molossian Mountain type) and includes mountain breeds from Europe, Asia and North America.

    Each mountain dog breed has its own unique and distinct personality, and there's not a one-size-fits-all package for these pups. However, they do have some commonalities. For starters, because these dogs were bred to thrive in the great outdoors, many mountain dog breeds do benefit from purposeful socialization. In addition, some breeds can be more difficult to train and therefore do require an experienced human owner or behavior training classes to ensure they are living their best life.

    The history of mountain dog breeds

    Given that every mountain dog breed is unique, they have varying histories and backgrounds. However, one  common thread is that, as you might have guessed, they originally thrived in the mountains—and some still do to this day!

    "The breeds originate around mountain ranges and have historical jobs related to those areas, such as guarding and moving livestock and transporting people or items over mountainous terrain," Dreger says. "They tend to be rugged breeds, well-suited to the weather and harsh environments."

    1. Bernese mountain dog

    Bernese Mountain Dog standing gracefully near some flowersMaya Karkalicheva/Getty Images

    Bernese mountain dogs are strong, yet gentle giants who hail from the beautiful Swiss farmlands. Medium to large in size, they are beloved for their soft, sweet disposition as well as their intelligence and keen desire to learn during training.

    Dreger says this breed is very similar to the Greater Swiss mountain dog, which makes sense when you consider they each originated in the Swiss Alps and are known for their impressive appearance. The Bernese is a little smaller than the Swiss, though it's still certainly a big dog breed with a dense, medium-length coat. "It served as a carting dog, but would also fill the role of driving livestock and guarding ones property," Dreger says. "Today, the Berner is very popular among pet owners due to his happy, stoic and laid-back attitude"

    According to the AKC, Berners are also known for their patience with children and their love for their own family. They are quite adorable looking with their thick coats and floppy ears, and their coat is always a striking black, tan and white. Not surprisingly, they're considered one of the best dogs for first-time owners.

    Breed overview Height: 23 to 28 inches Weight: 70 to 115 pounds Life expectancy: 7 to 10 years 2. Saint Bernard

    A saint bernard dog sitting on a meadow in the mountainsRoland Epting/Getty Images

    Famous for its sizable build and gentle disposition, the Saint Bernard is one of the more popular Swiss mountain dog breeds. They are an amiable, go-with-the-flow sort of pooch with a muscular build that makes them excellent workers.

    "Because of how large they are, training early on is very important," says Dr. Vaid. "Saint Bernards are loving dogs and love to jump on people as a sign of affection, which can be dangerous with their large size and needs to be trained out of them early on." The breed does not require a lot of exercise, she says. In fact, a long walk or 30 minutes of playtime is usually enough.

    Saint Bernards comes in two coat lengths: long and short. The long is really more like a medium length, and the short is very dense. The color is usually red (or sometimes brindle) with extensive white trim over a black mask. Like many dogs with big hanging lips, they are famous for their drool!

    Breed overview Height: 26 to 30 inches Weight: 120 to 180 pounds Life expectancy: 8 to 10 years 3. Kuvasz

    Kuvasz Dog on a mountain in Corsica -La Su/Getty Imags

    The kingly Kuvasz is a famed mountain dog from Hungary. Its beautiful, all-white coat is among its most distinct features, along with that muscular frame and those gentle eyes. Despite its large size, this breed is surprisingly agile and quick—especially when dealing with predators. While the Kuvasz breed has long thrived in the great outdoors, they are slowly becoming a loving household companion. Still, they require a lot of exercise and will need thorough training under the gentle hand of an experienced owner.

    Breed overview Height: 26 to 30 inches Weight: 70 to 115 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years 4. Estrela mountain dog

    Big dog sitting by the sea after swimming. Guard dog, rescue on the waters. Estrela mountain dogKirill Greshnov/Getty Images

    With roots in Portugal, the majestic Estrela mountain dog is a loyal breed renowned for its strong guarding instincts, intelligence and independent nature, notes the AKC. They're robustly built with a dense coat, which can be long or short—often in shades of fawn, brindle or yellow—which helps provide excellent insulation against harsh mountain climates. In fact, they've historically been utilized as guardians of livestock in the rugged terrain of the Estrela Mountains.

    This breed is relatively high-energy and strongly benefits from consistent training and socialization from early pup-hood. Despite their imposing appearance, well-trained Estrela mountain dogs display a gentle and loyal demeanor toward family members and children that make them a cherished family guard dog and companion.

    Breed overview Height: 24.5 to 29 inches Weight: 77 to 132 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years 5. Leonberger

    Leonberger dog posing in front of a beautiful mountain viewAngelaBuserPhoto/Getty Images

    The Leonberger is a mighty dog breed that looks like a lion and can weigh an impressive 170 pounds. While a bit intimidating, this mountain dog breed is known for its majestic grace and unwavering kindness and is also known for being extremely patient with humans and other animals. Still, they are not easily fooled! This breed's intelligence, vigilance and impressive sense of judgment makes them exceptional guard dogs.

    Breed Overview Height: 25 to 32 inches Weight: 90 to 170 pounds Life expectancy: 7 years 6. Anatolian shepherd

    Anatolian Shepherd DogLyndsey Sumpton/Getty Images

    The Anatolian shepherd is the descendent of an ancient herding breed from Turkey. They're quite unique looking with their short, golden-hued coats and black facial markings. "These breeds tend to be protective and wary of strangers; training early on is highly recommended," Dr. Vaid says. "Anatolians were bred to work outdoors, and for this reason, they have a very thick undercoat. They will shed their undercoats twice a year, and during this time they will need to be thoroughly brushed."

    While this mountain dog breed is described as loyal, independent, patient and intelligent, they aren't quite as affectionate as the other breeds on this list. Still, the Anatolian is loving, gentle and protective of everyone living under its roof, including other family pets.

    Breed Overview Height: 27 to 29 inches Weight: 80 to 150 pounds Life expectancy: 11 to 13 years 7. Great Pyrenees mountain dog Great Pyrenees mountain dog in the mountainscreativex/Getty Images

    Topping out at about 150 pounds, the Great Pyrenees mountain dog is a modestly large dog that looks even bigger thanks to its all-white fluffy coat. "As the name implies, the Great Pyrenees originated in the Pyrenees mountains of France and Spain, where he served as a livestock guardian," Dreger says. "These dogs were meant to live with their charges, usually sheep, goats or cattle, in mountain pastures year round. They protected them from predators and poachers and assisted in moving the animals from place to place. This breed is still used to guard livestock today, but it can also be found as a loyal and watchful companion."

    The Great Pyrenees is noted for being exceptionally calm and patient, making it a good choice for families. And although they love a good cuddle session, these dogs are also intelligent, independent thinkers who don't mind being on their own.

    Breed Overview Height: 25 to 32 inches Weight: 85 to 150 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years 8. Hovawart

    Hovawartfhm/Getty Images

    The playful and friendly hovawart, which has roots in Germany, is one of the smaller breeds on our list. What they lack in size, though, they make up for in protective instincts, affectionate personalities and deep loyalty. The AKC says this mountain dog breed is a supremely faithful friend that loves its humans—to the point of sometimes being aloof to strangers while sticking super close to their cherished family.

    This mountain dog breed has a notable appearance characterized by a dense double coat in shades of black and gold, black or blonde. Renowned for its intelligence and trainability, this breed historically thrived in noble roles like search and rescue, therapy work and competitive obedience. Hovawarts do well in environments where they receive ample mental and physical stimulation alongside loving companionship.

    Breed Overview Height: 23 to 28 inches Weight: 65 to 90 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 14 years 9. Greater Swiss mountain dog greater swiss mountain dog walking in the woodsMichal Kwiecinski "SlicaR"/Getty Images

    Very similar to the Bernese mountain dog, the Greater Swiss mountain dog is a high-energy, majestic breed built for herding sheep on the Swiss Alps, hence its name. This hardworking breed is especially known as a steadfast, loyal dog with deep affection for its family. The fact that they're so eager to please makes them easier to train compared to some of the other mountain dog breeds on our list. Note that the Greater Swiss is one of the four types of Swiss mountain dogs (the other three are the Bernese mountain dog, Appenzeller Sennenhund and Entlebucher Sennenhund).

    Breed Overview Height: 25 to 27 inches Weight: 85 to 140 pounds Life expectancy: 8 to 11 years 10. Appenzeller Sennenhund Appenzeller Sennenhund outside in natureVincent Scherer/Getty Images

    Also known as the Appenzell cattle dog or Appenzeller mountain dog, the charming, medium-sized Appenzeller Sennenhund is known for its agility, sprite and lean muscular build. This breed is another that tends to thrive during training thanks to its intelligence, adaptability and eagerness to obey its owners. Given that, Appenzeller Sennenhunds can serve as fantastic watchdogs, driving dogs, farm dogs or house dogs. They're mainly black with a white chest and red, copper-like markings around the face and paws. Because they're tricky to train, Dr. Vaid doesn't recommend this breed for inexperienced dog owners.

    "This is a herding breed with unlimited amounts of energy," says Dr. Vaid. "They typically do well when they have a job to do, as they need to stay busy to tire themselves out. It's also a very watchful and protective breed. They tend to be protective of their family, territory and home."

    Breed Overview Height: 19 to 22 inches Weight: 48 to 70 pounds Life expectancy: 12 to 15 years 11. Newfoundland Newfoundland dog sitting in the woodstayfoon/Getty Images

    Delightfully oversized, the Newfoundland is a lovey-dovey, patient, big old softie of a pooch. This mountain dog breed is known for being one of the best dogs for kids and is particularly affectionate with its own family members. Also known as the Newfie, this is one of the world's largest dog breeds, and you might feel intimidated by its presence. However, the AKC notes that Newfoundlands are unfailingly sweet in nature, responding better to gentle guidance as opposed to aggressive or direct commands.

    "The most important characteristic of a Newfoundland is their sweet temperament," says Dr. Vaid. "They are very rarely ever timid, skittish or aggressive. Instead, this breed is typically very outgoing, intelligent and confident. Their heavy coat requires brushing on a weekly basis, and more during their shedding seasons."

    Breed Overview Height: 26 to 28 inches Weight: 100 to 150 pounds Life expectancy: 9 to 10 years 12. Caucasian shepherd dog

    Adult Caucasian Shepherd dog is outside on a cold winter day with snow.Caucasian sheepdog in winter time.Kateryna Ovcharenko/Getty Images

    Bred to deal with wolves among sheep, the Caucasian shepherd dog has been praised for centuries as a fearless and bold watchdog eager to protect its family and herds. Though quick to come to the rescue against enemies, they are very friendly and protective toward their own family members. While traditionally kept as working dogs, Caucasian shepherd dogs can become a good family companion but require an experienced owner.

    Breed Overview Height: 23 to 30 inches Weight: 99 to 170 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years 13. Tibetan mastiff

    Two Tibetan Mastiff dogs sitting outsideDevidDO/Getty Images

    The so-big-it's-adorable Tibetan mastiff was originally bred as a protector of livestock and property in Tibet, hence its name. Today, this large mountain dog breed makes for a great watchdog—and any intruder that crosses this imposing giant's path will surely think twice before entering! While massive, this breed still makes for an ideal family companion that deeply loves its humans; the AKC notes they are great with kids.

    Breed Overview Height: 24 to 26 inches Weight: 70 to 150 pounds Life expectancy: 10 to 12 years 14. Colorado mountain dog

    Great Pyreneesejkrouse/Getty Images

    The Colorado mountain dog is a newer breed, created in 2005, and was raised to guard livestock on small acreage farms. They were specifically bred for their size and temperament toward mountain lions, wolves and any other predators of small livestock. Along with this temperament, they're also extremely friendly with humans and can keep both humans and livestock feeling at ease on the farm.

    Breed Overview Height: 26 to 29 inches Weight: 80 to 120 pounds Life expectancy: Unknown 15. Entlebucher mountain dog

    Dog Standing in Water at the BeachPurple Collar Pet Photography/Getty Images

    Known for its loyalty, enthusiasm and intelligence, the Entlebucher mountain dog is a cattle herding dog that originated in the Swiss Alps. Its name translates to "laughing dog," which was given because of its happy-go-lucky personality—and it's quite contagious! This mountain dog breed is very affectionate with adult family members, and they are also very good with other canines. To keep them laughing, make sure to give this breed plenty of exercise and lots of mental stimulation.

    Breed Overview Height: 16 to 21 inches Weight: 40 to 65 pounds Life expectancy: 11 to 13 years Why trust us

    At Reader's Digest, we're committed to producing high-quality content by writers with expertise and experience in their field in consultation with relevant, qualified experts. For this piece, Wendy Rose Gould tapped her experience as a veteran reporter covering pets, and then Caroline Coile, PhD, an award-winning journalist specializing in canine breeds, health and science, gave it a rigorous review to ensure that all information is accurate and offers the best possible advice to readers. We verify all facts and data, back them with credible sourcing and revisit them over time to ensure they remain accurate and up to date. Read more about our team, our contributors and our editorial policies.


  • Dayna L. Dreger, PhD, staff scientist working on the Dog Genome Project at the National Human Genome Research Institute at the National Institutes of Health; email interview, Jan. 31, 2024
  • Ambika Vaid, DVM, integrative veterinarian at the Holistic Veterinary Care and Rehabilitation Center in Oakland, Calif., and veterinarian advisor to Badlands Ranch; email interview, Jan. 31, 2024

  • These Pups Make The Best Lap Dogs When You Need A Good Snuggle

    Whether you're feeling low and need some comfort, or are just looking to curl up on the couch with a buddy while you get caught up on Bridgerton (or crack open that hot new beach read!), the best lap dogs will be right there when you need them. Dog lovers know that while big, beautiful poochies like mastiffs tend to be great guard dogs, small dogs that like to love up on their humans fulfill an equally important need: cuddly companionship. If you're thinking of adding a lap dog to the family, we've rounded up some favorite breeds, including pugs, Italian greyhounds, shih tzus, and more.

    Some are wonderful with littles, others are a dream to train, but all share one trait in common—they're super-affectionate little sweeties that live for snuggles. For many, their adoring nature is actually by design, according to Embark Veterinary Geneticist Dr. Jenna Dockweiler, DVM, DACT. "Many smaller breeds, especially those in the AKC's Toy group, were bred specifically for companionship," she says. "This means that, over many generations, these breeds have become excellent pets and cuddlers!"

    Below, you'll find 17 of the best lap dog breeds to consider if you're looking for a new best friend, including important information about grooming and exercise needs, history, health issues, and personality traits. It's everything you need to know to help you zero in on a doggo...Or two...Or three. But before you start dialing the nearest breed rescue, be sure to head over to our dog adoption tips so you can make Rover's transition to your home as smooth as possible!

    French Bulldog

    Named the most popular dog breed in the U.S. For two years running by the American Kennel Club, "Frenchies" are low-key dogs that don't require much more exercise than a daily walk, according to Dr. Dockweiler. They're relatively easy to train (if a bit stubborn), require minimal grooming, and are loyal and loving, making them the perfect lap dog.

    Playful and decidedly quirky looking, with their big bat ears and sturdy little bodies, French bulldogs hail from the country for which they're named. They've even been immortalized in paintings by such legendary Gallic artists as Edgar Degas and Toulouse-Lautrec. But as a brachycephalic (flat-faced) breed, "Frenchies are less likely to tolerate heat," Dr. Dockweiler cautions, so keep them indoors on days when the mercury climbs high.

    Rox Dinulescu / 500px


    "With a huge personality that defies their tiny frame, chihuahuas are known to be highly active and intelligent dogs," says Dr. Dockweiler. "They are the world's smallest breed and offer a smart, fun-loving, and adaptable personality." Though energetic, this breed bonds intensely with its people and loves nothing more than a good lap session.

    The chihuahua's ancestry dates back at least 1,000 years to the ancient Toltecs, who lived in what would become Mexico. More recently they've become famous as the stars of Taco Bell commercials and the movies Legally Blonde and Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Averaging just 5 to 6 inches tall, these small but mighty pooches can live upwards of 18 years!

    Anita Kot


    Perhaps the cuddliest of all canine companions, pugs were bred to be lap dogs for Chinese emperors beginning as far back as 400 B.C. Often laid-back to the point of laziness, they require less exercise than many other breeds, but more attention and affection. Like Frenchies, they are brachycephalic, so when you do take your pug outside for walkies, make sure temperatures are moderate.

    Health issues may include eye and airway problems, but in general this breed makes for an excellent family dog—especially for folks who like to laugh. "Sociable and gentle," Dr. Dockweiler says, "pugs are known as the clowns of the canine world because they have a great sense of humor and like to show off."

    Anita Kot


    According to Dr. Dockweiler, Maltese are "confident and friendly toy dogs, well suited to being lap dogs," as long as they get a daily, short burst of exercise. "Due to their intelligence and tendency to bark at strangers and other dogs, they can also make good watchdogs," she adds.

    Nearly as pint-sized as a chihuahua, Maltese typically weigh between 4 and 7 pounds. Lore has it that the breed's roots go back to the ancient Phoenicians, who brought the dog to the small island south of Sicily for which it's named. Maltese are people-pleasers, taking well to training, and are also agile, making them a good fit for dog sports (when they're not curled up on their humans).



    Like the pug and shih tzu, the Pekingese is another toy-sized pup with origins in Asia. "Bred for centuries to be the prized companions of the imperial family of China, Pekingese are known for their short stature, long flowing coats, and flat faces," Dr. Dockweiler says. And like the pug and shih tzu, she adds, "they have difficulty in extreme climates, especially heat."

    The breed may develop breathing problems and eye issues, and their thick double coat means Pekingese parents will need to groom their dogs regularly. In return, you can count on receiving loads of love from this strong-willed, smart little bundle of devotion. In fact, this dog can grow so close to his people, he may suffer from separation anxiety without proper training.

    Anita Kot

    Bichon Frise

    White like hi


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