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friskies cat food :: Article Creator

How Friskies Outplays Wellness Natural Pet Food On Social

Wellness Natural Pet Food and Friskies are each tapping pet enthusiasts on social media to promote new lines, with Friskies' corporate social responsibility angle gaining the upper paw.

Friskies is rolling out its Pull ?N Play toy line by donating one package of snack food to cats in shelters for every #MostPlayfulCat hashtag mention on Twitter or Instagram. Meanwhile, Wellness Natural Pet Food is celebrating its TruFood addition by asking consumers to upload their pet?S photo onto social media, which the brand will then turn into a watercolor illustration.

?Pet lovers use social media to the share pictures and updates about pets,? Said Shuli Lowy, marketing director at Ping Mobile, New York. ?The majority of that information, particularly the images, are posted and consumed through mobile devices.

?This makes mobile a pivotal focus for anyone trying to engage pet owners,? She said. ?Getting consumers to post branded content is valuable for any company.

?Not only does it generate added impressions, as the average user is connected to hundreds of people through social media, but it also is more likely to resonate with the consumer base. It means a lot more when social media users see a post about Friskies posted by a friend than when they see one coming from the brand itself.?

Corporate social responsibilityFriskies is engaging in corporate social responsibility by ramping up its donations to animals in need. The brand is collaborating with Petfinder to create an interactive play space where kittens and cats up for adoption can interact with potential owners and use the Pull ?N Play product.

Each time someone wins a game, Friskies has promised to donate one bag of cat food to an animal shelter. Additionally, the pet food marketer is turning to social media to catch the attention of on-the-go mobile users.

It will donate one Pull ?N Play package, up to a total of 2,500, to cats in shelters each time someone uses the #MostPlayfulCat hashtag on Twitter or Instagram through July 2. This is an optimal way of ensuring that consumer traffic on the hashtag stays high.

If the brand sees social media mentions exceed 2,500, it will give another 2,500 string pouches and 5,000 bags of Party Mix food to shelter cats.

This tactic will likely resonate positively with many pet enthusiasts, as it provides a great way to organically promote the brand while helping the hundreds of thousands of orphaned cats in shelters across the United States.

Friskies is also encouraging owners to share personal photos of their pets in an effort to find the Most Playful Cat in America. Users are asked to upload a post featuring their furry friends onto Instagram or Twitter with the #MostPlayfulCat hashtag through August 10.

The grand prize winner will receive a $1,500 cash prize and Wobbert toy, in addition to a year?S supply of Pull ?N Play strings. Fifty first place winners will not get the cash prize, but will receive the Wobbert toy and Pull ?N Play supply.

Wellness?S photography angleMeanwhile, Wellness Natural Pet Food is employing a different social media strategy by asking their customers to upload their pet?S photo onto the TruFood Watercolor application, which will turn the images into watercolor illustrations.

Proud owners will no doubt appreciate the transformed photos and may be compelled to share them with family and friends on social media, leading to an organic mobile moment for the brand. Photos are encouraged to be shared via the #TruLoveIs hashtag.

Anyone who uploads a post will automatically be entered to win a year?S worth of Wellness?S new TruFood line.

More brands are asking consumers to upload specific imagery onto social media for a transformative experience, but also must be cognizant of the pitfalls that may occur if technology malfunctions.

In February, Coca-Cola was forced to suspend a campaign in which it responded to negative Tweets with the hashtag #MakeItHappy and turned posts into cheerful images after accidentally Tweeting out several sentences from Adolf Hitler?S Mein Kampf (see story).

?It?S not easy to get consumers to share branded content,? Ms. Lowy said. ?One of the easier ways to get people to do that is to tap into something which they are already prone to share.

?Most social media users who own cats love posting pictures of their pets; encouraging them to do so is therefore likely to go over well,? She said. ?There is a direct correlation between the visibility of the call to action and the level of participation in the campaign.

?The more people hear about the sweepstakes, the more submission Friskies will see. Brands should always engage their loyal enthusiasts first.?

Final TakeAlex Samuely is an editorial assistant on Mobile Marketer, New York

Willets Point Development Will Doom Nearly 100 Cats In Grimy 'Shea Stadium Strays' Colony: 'Nowhere To Go But To Their Death'

The Willets Point project is intended to revitalize the downtrodden area of central Queens, but activists say developers have neglected to address one key community with squatters' rights: the so-called "Shea Stadium strays."

Living in the dust of the Iron Triangle just steps from Citi Field, a colony of grimy and malnourished cats have called the neighborhood home for nearly a century.

As many as 100 felines have already been pushed out of the fields and into the shrinking auto body sector, which is expected to be the next chunk of land leveled to make room for the incoming soccer stadium, retail haven and residential space.

Regina Massaro treks through the Iron Triangle five times a week to care for as many as 100 stray cats that call the neighborhood home. James Messerschmidt

Further displacement would mean marching them to certain doom, animal activists warn.

"They have nowhere to go but to their death. Nowhere to go," Regina Massaro, the founder of Spay Neuter Intervention Project (SNIP) NYC.

With a 48-pack of Friskies cans in one hand and a gallon of water in the other, Massaro led The Post on a tour of the squalor Wednesday afternoon, just hours before thousands of baseball fans gorged on hot dogs and beer as they watched the Mets destroy the Red Sox, 8-3.

The contrast couldn't better illustrate the catastrophe, Massaro said — the animals will soon be pushed out into the polluted Flushing Creek or residential blocks as the multimillion-dollar development continues to eat up their home.

The cat colony can be traced back at least a century, activists say, to strays that once called Shea Stadium home. James Messerschmidt

"No one cares. These animals have no one to speak for them but me," Massaro, 74, of Maspeth, said as she picked up a discarded slice of Sicilian pizza, ripped it into bite-sized pieces and tossed it back to the cats.

"I get to leave this place and go home. These cats have to stay here."

Stray cats have run amok in Willets Point for nearly 100 years and even carved out shelter in Shea Stadium when it was erected in 1964 — with one famously scampering across the Cubs dugout during a 1969 game, cursing the Chicago team and propelling the Metsies to their first World Series title.

Massaro traps and sterilizes the cats, but their population is booming at a rate she and her fellow SNIP volunteers cannot keep up with. James Messerschmidt

The cat population has since boomed, but scarce resources and dwindling land have put their lives in peril, according to activists. Many have already starved to death or succumbed to disease.

Today, many of the auto shop workers help feed the spawning cats, but won't shell out the costs of veterinarian bills, leaving SNIP NYC to pick up a roughly $2,000 per month tab.

Massaro, known to the auto shop community as "cat girl," has been visiting the Iron Triangle in the middle of the night five times a week for 17 years to feed the cats and set traps.

Over the years, she's trapped and brought as many as 300 cats to North Shore Animal Hospital for sterilization. She's been able to rehome only 50 of the friendly cats, but most are feral and have to be re-released to the Willets Point podunk Massaro likened to a third-world country.

Some of the auto body shops feed the cats, but neglect the mangey animals' care beyond a meal. James Messerschmidt

The activist was in the middle of feeding a clowder when The Post observed one frantic worker beg her to take and neuter a new cat that was sleeping in his boss' office. The pet had been "dumped" at the storefront hours earlier, he said.

"When I come into work in the morning, there's 25 cats outside," Paul Cohen, owner of Roosevelt Auto Wrecking Office, said, adding that he spends $200 a month on his own cat food for the endless chain of felines. "It's bad."

"She does what she can, but she can't keep up with it. There's more and more every day."

One block away, Felix Lara told The Post the plight of the cats is a frequent topic of conversation in the community.

Felix Lara said the plight of the cats is a common topic among the auto shop community. James Messerschmidt

He plans to bring one stray — an unnamed 8-year-old white and brown shorthair who has been visiting his shop since she was a kitten — home with him when the shop eventually shutters, but worries about the dozens of others that have no hopes for domestication.

"What's going to happen with the cats? We can't take them. It's bad," Lara said.

Massaro's crusade has involved reaching out to city and state agencies for help, as well as the private developers, which she plans to ramp up as construction for the NYCFC stadium and surrounding buildings continues.

Both the NYC Economic Development Corp and Housing Preservation & Development told The Post it would work with its partners to monitor the situation, but couldn't say whether it had any plans to deal with the cats. The NYCFC declined to comment and the Queens Development Corp did not return messages.

The Willets Point Development project will transform 23 acres of fields and auto shops into a soccer stadium, retail space and affordable housing. James Messerschmidt

Requests for comment to Rep. Grace Meng and the mayor's office were left unanswered. The Queens borough president's office had no record of complaints relating to the cats, and reps for city Councilmember Francisco Moya said they were looking into the issue.

Although the situation appears bleak, Bryan Kortis of Neighborhood Cats emphasized that hope is not yet lost — but said someone needs to take action before the cats leave on their own and spread the problem elsewhere.

"When you have that type of displacement, and there's no strategy, there's no management, it's just whatever happens that happens to them. They don't stick around and wait for the bulldozers to kill them; they're gonna disperse. And they're gonna disperse to wherever the closest food source and shelter that they can find," Kortis told The Post.

The cats will have "nowhere to go but death," Massaro warns. James Messerschmidt

"They may have to cross a busy road. Cats are extremely territorial, so they may try to return to a situation that's dangerous. They may not find food sources. There are rabies scares with cats … So there's a lot of risk," he said, adding that the animals will only continue to reproduce and prolong the problem if not sterilized in droves.

Kortis suggested a managed retreat, which would involve slowly leading the feral felines to a safer area, or transporting them to a sanctuary.

Ideally, the cats should have been fixed decades ago to avoid the issue altogether, he pointed out.

Massaro hopes developers will pitch in to help shelter the dozens of feral cats that cannot be domesticated. James Messerschmidt

"If they'd taken our advice back in 2008 and had the cats in those areas trapped and spayed and neutered, we wouldn't be having this problem today. There'd be a much smaller number of cats, and they'd be much easier to deal with," Kortis said.

"It's out of control. Your options are much less. The city has never taken any responsibility for the free-roaming cat situation … It's been a chronic problem for many, many years, and it leads to situations like the one you have in Willets Point."

Massaro would prefer that the cats be free to live out their days in their neighborhood with the support of the government, the Willets Point developers and neighbor Steve Cohen, owner of the Mets.

As "descendants of the Shea Stadium strays," the felines have squatters' rights, she claims, saying she'd love to see the Willets Point Development include a space in the 23-acre project to let the cats live out the rest of their lives in safety.

"There are only one of two things that can happen here: they're either going to stay and get proper shelter for them, that they're going to be cared for. Or, they're going to be forced out — and that is death," she said.

7 Best Dry Cat Foods For Your Feline Friend In 2024

Every cat parent wants the best for their furry friend, including selecting the best dry cat food. This becomes doubly important as it ensures a long, healthy life. With countless options lining store shelves, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But don't worry — you're not alone. As a pet parent, you can never be too sure about what you are feeding your kitty.

At CatTime, we understand that every cat is different, and so are their nutritional needs. Finding the perfect kibble that suits their age, breed, and overall health is no mean feat. Add to this that your precious kitty should like its taste, too, and you have a formidable task in front of you. That's why we've created this comprehensive guide to help you select the best dry cat food for your feline friend, no matter the type of breed.

Whether you have a playful kitten or a senior cat, we have something on our list for almost all cat parents. Let us begin by understanding the features we should look for when purchasing dry food for our kitties. Their purrs of approval will be the ultimate reward.


Things to Consider

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Why do Vets Recommend it?

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How to Choose the Best Dry Cat Food

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Selecting the perfect dry cat food requires careful consideration. Here are a few key factors to guide your decision:

Read the Label

First things first, the ingredient list is your guide to understanding your cat's food. Prioritize options with real meat as the primary ingredient. Look for recognizable proteins like chicken, turkey, or fish, and steer clear of vague terms like "meat by-products." Opt for foods rich in essential nutrients and avoid artificial additives, colors, and preservatives.

Tailor to Your Cat's Needs

Every cat is unique. Consider your feline's age, breed, and any specific dietary needs when choosing food. There are formulas designed for kittens, adults, seniors. If your cat has allergies or sensitivities, look for specialized options.

Nutrition is Key

Just like for us humans, food should first and foremost be nourishing. You want food for your cat that offers a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Opt for products that meet the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) standards to ensure complete and balanced nutrition.

Consider Your Budget

While price shouldn't be the sole factor, it's wise to balance quality with affordability. Investing in premium food often pays off in the long run through improved health and potential savings on vet bills.


How To: Cat Food and Nutrition

Why Do Vets Recommend Dry Food for Cats?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Yes, we know your cat loves their wet food, and while it has its own benefits, dry food remains a popular choice among veterinarians for several reasons.

Consistent Nutrition

Dry food provides a controlled and balanced nutrient profile, ensuring your cat receives essential vitamins and minerals. When you select high-quality dry food from a reputable brand, you can be confident that your cat is getting the necessary nourishment.

Dental Health

Chewing dry kibble helps clean teeth and reduce tartar buildup, contributing to overall oral health. Regular dental care combined with dry food can help prevent costly dental procedures.


Dry food is often more convenient to store and serve compared to wet food. You don't have to refrigerate it and can easily leave it out for controlled feeding, or use it in automatic feeders without worrying it will go bad. Dry food is also usually less expensive than wet food.

Encourages Drinking Water

While not a primary hydration source, dry food can contribute to overall fluid intake. This is because it encourages your cat to drink plenty of water alongside their dry food. Make sure your cat has access to clean drinking water at all times when feeding them dry food.


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The Best Dry Cat Food to Buy in 2024

Armed with all the knowledge about dry cat food and its many benefits, you can now browse through our recommendations and see if you find one that best fits your cat's needs.

Best Overall Best for Adult Cats Best Vet-approved Best Grain-free Best for Digestion Best Price Best for Indoor Cats

Best Cat Dry Food by Meow Mix


Meow Mix Original Choice Dry Cat Food


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Best Cat Dry Food by Purina


Purina Friskies Gravy Swirlers


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Best Cat Dry Food by Hill's


Hill's Science Diet Adult 1-6 Dry Cat Food


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Best Cat Dry Food by Orijen


Orijen Six Fish Recipe Dry Cat Food


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Best Cat Dry Food by Acana


Acana Bountiful Catch Dry Cat Food


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Best Cat Dry Food by 9Lives


9Lives Daily Essentials Dry Cat Food


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Best Cat Dry Food by IAMS


IAMS Proactive Health Indoor Dry Cat Food


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We've been independently researching and testing products for over 20 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

BEST OVERALL Meow Mix Original Choice Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by Meow Mix


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Why We Love

Budget-friendly option

Supports healthy muscles

Essential vitamins and minerals

Suitable for all breeds

Formulated for adult cats

Flavor is a mix of chicken, turkey, salmon, and ocean fish


Contains fillers and by-products

Packed with a delicious blend of chicken, turkey, salmon, and ocean fish, this dry food from Meow Mix is our top pick for your cat. Thanks to its complete and balanced nutrition, your kitty will stay healthy and happy. High-quality protein supports muscle health, while essential vitamins and minerals keep their energy up.

Watch as your cat eagerly devours this flavorful and nutritious food — a sure-shot indication of its irresistible taste. This kibble has everything that your adult cat needs to stay in top shape. From strong muscles to a shiny coat, Meow Mix helps keep 'em purring. It's like a delicious meal ticket to a happy cat life.

BEST FOR ADULT CATS Purina Friskies Gravy Swirlers

Best Cat Dry Food by Purina


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Why We Love

Chicken and salmon flavor

100% complete and balanced nutrition

Has an enticing texture

Contains essential fatty acids

Comes in one other seafood flavor

Formulated for all life stages


Some cats might have sensitivities to certain ingredients

The Purina Friskies Gravy Swirlers combine the lip-smacking flavors of chicken and salmon with a savory gravy swirl baked right in. Each crunchy bite is packed with a burst of flavor that will have them mewing for second servings. Not only is it delicious, but this dry food is packed with nutritional goodness for cats of all ages.

Loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these Gravy Swirlers help boost your cat's immunity, which makes them feel their best. Plus, it contains essential fatty acids to give your kitty's fur a beautiful shine.

BEST VET-RECOMMENDED Hill's Science Diet Adult 1-6 Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by Hill's


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Why We Love

Made with premium ingredients

Complete and balanced nutrition

Contains omega-6 fatty acids and vitamin E

Promotes lean muscles

Veterinarian recommended

Supports overall health


High price point

Backed by rigorous scientific research and developed by expert nutritionists, Hill's Science Diet food is power-packed with the good stuff. Containing protein to build strong muscles, omega-3s, and omega-6s for a radiant coat, as well as essential vitamins and minerals for overall health, this food is a complete package for your cat's well-being.

Crafted with high-quality ingredients and carefully balanced nutrients, this food keeps your cat's insides happy. It's like a little health boost for their heart, bladder, and kidneys. This formula, which uses real chicken, lamb, or salmon as the first ingredient, and is also free from artificial additives and preservatives.

BEST GRAIN-FREE DRY CAT FOOD Orijen Six Fish Recipe Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by Orijen


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Why We Love

Packed with animal-based proteins

Gluten and grain-free

WholePrey ingredients

Free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives

Has both fresh and raw components

Mimics a cat's ancestral diet


More expensive than other brands

Indulge your cat's natural instincts with Orijen Six Fish. This grain-free cat food is crafted to mimic the diet of wild cats, featuring an impressive 90% animal ingredients. Packed with a mix of fresh mackerel, herring, and flounder, it's like serving your cat a seafood feast. This protein-packed dry food nourishes their body and satisfies their wild cravings.

Seeing your feline friend savor this biologically appropriate diet will be a delight. The inclusion of whole prey ingredients like organs and bone ensures your cat receives the essential nutrients found in nature. With a freeze-dried liver coating, Orijen cat food offers an enticing taste and aroma that most felines love.


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BEST FOR DIGESTIVE HEALTH Acana Bountiful Catch Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by Acana


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Why We Love

High protein content

Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Contains probiotics and fiber

Made with raw and whole fish

Balanced recipe

Grain-free formula


Has a seafood smell that some pet parents may not like

This high-protein cat food from Acana is crafted with a generous blend of raw salmon and whole herring, delivering a burst of flavor and essential nutrients. Packed with 65% animal ingredients, this kibble mirrors the diet cats evolved to eat, supporting optimal health and digestion.

With a puurr-fect balance of protein, fiber, and probiotics, this grain-free cat food promotes healthy digestion and supports a strong immune system. Enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it is also really good for your cat's skin and coat, leaving them looking and feeling their best.

BEST PRICE 9Lives Daily Essentials Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by 9Lives


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Why We Love

Delicious flavor

Budget-friendly option

Essential vitamins and minerals

Contains protein for strong muscles

Includes taurine for heart health

Can be given as free feeding or timed meals


Contains gluten

This dry food from 9Lives features the yummy flavors of chicken, beef, and salmon that most cats love. Every bite delivers the goodness your adult cat needs to live a healthy life. Packed with protein to build strong muscles and taurine for a healthy heart and sharp eyesight, it's the complete package for feline well-being.

Your cat will enjoy the crunch of this delicious food, and you'll enjoy knowing that they are being fed a complete and balanced meal. For best results, offer a single morning serving and allow your cat to graze throughout the day.

BEST FOR INDOOR CATS IAMS Proactive Health Indoor Dry Cat Food

Best Cat Dry Food by IAMS


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Why We Love

100% complete and balanced nutrition

No artificial flavors or preservatives

Contains L-carnitine to help burn fat

Calcium and potassium for a healthy heart

Vet recommended dry cat food

Wholesome and tasty recipe


Not gluten or grain-free

Made with real chicken and turkey, IAMS cat food is designed to support your indoor feline's unique needs. Specially formulated to address common indoor cat challenges, it has L-carnitine that helps maintain a healthy weight and a proprietary fiber blend with beet pulp that manages hairballs.

Recommended by veterinarians, this is one of the best dry cat food for indoor cats, which delivers the highest-quality nutrition. Designed to nourish your cat from head to toe, this food will make them feel their healthiest. You'll notice a boost in their energy and a shine to their coat — all while they enjoy every delicious bite.


What Is Free Feeding and Is It Bad for My Cat?

How We Chose the Best Dry Cat Food

At CatTime, our experts curated this list of the best dry cat food by assessing factors such as high-quality ingredients, protein content, whether it has essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and omega fatty acids, and overall price. They further consulted with industry professionals to gain more insight into the top-selling products, using their guidance and experience to bring our readers the very best. When you choose one of our recommended products, you can rest assured that you're making an informed purchase from the best brands available on the market.


What is the top 5 best dry cat food?

Determining the "top 5" best cat dry food is subjective and depends on individual cat needs. Factors like age, breed, health conditions, and budget influence the best choice. That said, brands like Meow Mix, Purina Friskies, Hill's Science Diet, and IAMS are known for their high-quality ingredients, balanced nutrition, and specific formulations to meet various feline health needs. You can also search for best dry cat food on reddit and read the recommendations there.

What is the number 1 cat food brand?

There isn't a single "number 1" cat food brand. The best food for your cat depends on their age, breed, health, and personal preferences. However, on the whole, Hill's Science Diet is popular for its scientifically formulated recipes, it offers balanced nutrition tailored to meet the specific health needs of cats at different life stages.

What dry cat food do vets recommend for indoor cats?

Vets often recommend foods tailored for indoor cats. These formulas typically address weight management, hairball control, and overall health. Dry cat food brands like IAMS Proactive Health, Royal Canin Indoor, and Hill's Science Diet offer specific options for indoor cats.

Is Whiskas healthy for cats?

Whiskas is considered a budget-friendly option but offers lower-quality ingredients compared to premium brands. While it might appeal to cats due to its taste, it is definitely no the healthiest dry cat food. It's essential to prioritize a cat's long-term health by choosing a food rich in protein and limited in fillers.

Do cats like Royal Canin?

Many cats enjoy the taste of Royal Canin. Its variety caters to different feline needs, from kittens to seniors. However, each cat is different and has individual preferences, so it's essential to consider your kitty's specific requirements.

Is dry or wet food better for cats?

Both dry and wet food have their benefits. Dry food aids dental health, while wet food offers higher moisture content. The best choice depends on what your cat prefers, their health needs, and lifestyle. Consider combining both for a balanced diet. Ultimately, consult your vet for personalized advice.

What is the most unhealthy food for cats?

The most unhealthy foods for cats include chocolate, onions, garlic, grapes, and raisins. Additionally, some low-quality cat foods with excessive fillers, artificial additives, and low nutritional value can also be detrimental to a cat's health.

What is the most natural brand of cat food?

Many brands claim to use natural ingredients, but the term can be misleading. Look for foods with minimally processed ingredients, real meat as the primary source of protein, and limited additives. Brands like Orijen, and Acana, often prioritize natural ingredients but always read labels carefully.

Is Purina One dry food good for cats?

Purina One offers a range of options, from budget-friendly to premium. While it might not be the top-rated choice among all experts, many cats enjoy the taste and tolerate it well. However, for optimal nutrition, consider comparing ingredient lists and consulting your vet to find the best fit for your cat.

The post 7 Best Dry Cat Foods for Your Feline Friend in 2024 appeared first on CatTime.


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